Swapping FN keys


Alright guys, you're my last hope.

I just got a new PowerBook yesterday with the backlit keyboard. Love it. Only problem is that the controls for it use the F9 and F10 keys for controlling brightness. Usually those are the default expose keys.

What I want to do is be able to use expose on the F9 and F10 keys without loosing the functionality of being able to change the volume and screen brightness with one finger, eg not using the fn key.

My goal is to not use the FN key, almost at all. If I want to change the keyboard brighness, I'll press the FN key, but thats really it. Don't tell me to check the box in system prefs that reverse ALL of the function keys, because that isn't what I want.

If I'm not making myself clear enough on what I want, lemme know, I'll try to clear it up. but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help! It's so frustrating; I've spent a day on this already.
Have you tried opening System Preference/Dashboard&Expose and modifying the Expose settings? By using modifying keys with F9 and F10, you can use them for different functions.

Well, like I said, I would like one finger access to sound controls via the keyboard and at the same time, for exposé. I only wan't to use the FN key for adjusting the keyboard brightness.
You can change the expose settings to use hot corners, leaving the f keys for whatever else you like.
OR, you can change the keyboard shortcut to whatever you like (within the constraints of the hardware - the volume set keys are hardware assigned, I think) in the Keyboard & Mouse pref pane.
Lots of choices out there, and 2 days is not near enough time to find all your options, one of which is http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/18713
or, there's this : http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/11412
What I really want to do is "hack" the system either with a utility or the actual plist files so that it works the way I want it to; eg-no macros
Keep in mind that using a hack to really remap the keyboard, may prevent proper use of the f-keys later when you actually start using software that uses those same f-keys.
Also, you are limited with the Powerbook keyboard (not enough keys, so some functions are shared, which means an extra keystroke for some tasks)

Another answer - use an external keyboard and mouse, although the brightness keys may not work from an external.

How often are you really going to change some settings, once they are set where you like? (such as keyboard backlight) Is it really worth doing to remap the keyboard for a relatively minor feature.
Hacking the keyboard map also leaves you vulnerable to system updates that might rewrite the system file that controls the mapping, leaving you back at the beginning. A simple macro-type utility is more likely to continue working, in my experience.
Well, I use exposé constantly. I rarely would change the keyboard brightness. But I very frequently change the screen brightness and sound levels. So a hack that trades the function of just the F9 and F10 keys would do me fine.