When I boot up I keep getting the following message:
Application launch failure
The application "Transport Monitor" could not be launched because of a shared library error:
"8<Transport Monitor> <Transport Monitor> <HotSyncLib.PPC> <>"
The conflict seemed to occur after an IT tech at my uni ran a free virus scan app on my hard disk to allow me to sign up to the wireless network.
It affeced MS office initially, along with Palm desktop, it's hotsync facility, and printing. I can no longer install ceranin applications either.
I spoke to a tech in my apple store who reckoned it was to do with the Carbon technology used to make OS9 written applications work in OSX. He did an archive reinstall to try to fix the problem. This resolved the office conflict, but the others including that quoted above still remain. I had to leave the store before we could fully resolve the problem.
Is there a way of fixing this without doing a complete system reinstall?
If not, could you explain to me how I can back up my documents and do a full system reinstall?
I have a 60Gb external hard disk which can be used to make backups on, and have all my applications on disk should I need to do a complete re install.
My ibook came factory installed with Panther, including a Tiger upgrade disk in the box.
Hope you can help.
Many thanks,
Application launch failure
The application "Transport Monitor" could not be launched because of a shared library error:
"8<Transport Monitor> <Transport Monitor> <HotSyncLib.PPC> <>"
The conflict seemed to occur after an IT tech at my uni ran a free virus scan app on my hard disk to allow me to sign up to the wireless network.
It affeced MS office initially, along with Palm desktop, it's hotsync facility, and printing. I can no longer install ceranin applications either.
I spoke to a tech in my apple store who reckoned it was to do with the Carbon technology used to make OS9 written applications work in OSX. He did an archive reinstall to try to fix the problem. This resolved the office conflict, but the others including that quoted above still remain. I had to leave the store before we could fully resolve the problem.
Is there a way of fixing this without doing a complete system reinstall?
If not, could you explain to me how I can back up my documents and do a full system reinstall?
I have a 60Gb external hard disk which can be used to make backups on, and have all my applications on disk should I need to do a complete re install.
My ibook came factory installed with Panther, including a Tiger upgrade disk in the box.
Hope you can help.
Many thanks,