MacFreak88, boi is right, look at the time of
my post, and the time of the
last edit. There were no system specs there at the time of my posting; "What do I need to do?" was the last line (I'm not that dumb
But that's not the point of this thread....
Mead, that is very strange! You seem to have a pretty powerful system, and 5 minutes is a heck of a long time to shut down.
Have you tried these (don't know how much they'll help though):
- Defragmenting.
- fsck (maybe you have a filesystem problem somewhere) in single-user mode (boot holding down COMMAND-S then enter
fsck -y when you get a prompt).
- Any peripherals? If you have any periperals attached (like a camera or a hard disk or anything) disconnect them all and then try to shut down and see if the problem persists.
- Does your hard disk try to sleep during shutdown (you'll have to go into a quiet room and listen for this); maybe your power management settings are corrupted somehow (happened to me once).
Do you have only one partition, or do you have separate partitions for swapping or download or anything like that? If so, are all your system files and system-referenced files (like your home folder) on your system partition?
Another thing you can do (probably the most useful), depending on how familiar you are with the BSD subsystem, is to boot into "verbose mode" (boot holding down COMMAND-V) and then shut down once the system is booted. This will replace the nice Aqua boot and shutdown screens with a BSD dump that you can look at (the Finder will still appear once booted). If it issues a command and then hangs for 5 minuntes, and then continues, you've found your culprit.