I still think expecting an apology is wishing for a little much. Do you want your boss to make you say aloud, "I'm sorry," when you make a little boo-boo at work? No -- I'm sure the boss just expects you to fix it and carry on... not make a vocal, public redemption of your character every time something doesn't turn out as intended.
If I get a bad unit from Apple, all I want is the problem to be fixed in a courteous, speedy manner, which they usually do. Unless someone is rude, out-of-line or downright condescending to me, I don't wanna hear, "I'm sorry," because, as you say, that's
my 5 seconds that they're wasting when they could begin processing the repair.
Why is it so important to hear/read the words, "I'm sorry"? Isn't it an implied apology when Apple fixes your unit? From what I hear, they do make house calls, do not charge shipping (when other companies do) and do it quickly and efficiently. Screw the apology -- no one screwed up! Defects are a fact of life and expecting every machine that rolls off the assembly line to function perfectly is more wishful thinking. Some bad units get shipped, and Apple replaces/repairs them willingly, without incident, and in a timely and courteous manner. Plus, one, single person is not responsible for the defective unit -- expecting someone to apologize on behalf of Apple is, yes, even more wishful thinking.
Admission of a mistake is not the same thing as an apology. Apple fixing computers long out of warranty is an admission of a mistake and no apology is needed nor warranted. Just retroactive and proactive actions to rectify the situation.
Sorry to be blunt/rude, but it seems to me that people that
demand apologies for minor, little, petty stuff like a defective unit act like they need their egos inflated more than a working computer.
Now, before we continue this thread, I'd like a full apology for this site being down once or twice in the past few years for more than an hour at a time. It severely inconvenienced me and, being the upstanding system administrators that you are, should email or PM me an immediate apology.