Teen Rebellion

Trip said:
It came to my attention that the piercing picture needs to be discussed really fast:

It's not a real piercing, I made it myself last night from some earing studs, so I didn't really get my lip pierced.

Dude, that looks real! Heh :)
That's cool, wear it when you want to get attention and pretend it's real. Also try putting it (or another) on your eyebrow - that freaked me out when I saw it on a girl (her's was real tho).

What I did that freaked my ENTIRE FAMILY (and a few friends) was get a motocycle - ok so not an official motorcycle but a big Scooter (like an old Vespa). Sure not as powerful and probably not as dangerous as a Hog or a Sportbike - but to them it's the exact same thing. For the first time in my life everyone in my known family was talking about me in shock and disbelief and some coming from miles away just to see if it was true! LOL :D
Plus I get a lot of looks and a few props from some. I've also met a few friends because of it.

Maybe not what you had in mind - but it did the trick for me (I wasn't even trying! heh). :D

Late Teen Rebellion? Or Early Mid-Life Crisis? LOL :D
ScottW said:
Well, I know this really doesn't help... but maybe, instead of being like all the other kids and do something your mother doesn't want you to do, maybe be a good son and honor your mother. I realize that might be asking to much, but that would be different. :) You might awe struck here so much that she might go into a greater shock, than if you did something crazy she would not approve of.

Your life is yours. Don't make it for or against your mother, or for or against anybody. Do it for you.
chevy said:
Your life is yours. Don't make it for or against your mother, or for or against anybody. Do it for you.
Honoring one's mother doesn't mean becoming her personal manservant, it means doing whatever you feel like doing but respecting her wishes and making sure she knows you love her. It's quite easy to live your own life and honor your mother at the same time.

Trip, if you really want to rebel, then move out when you turn 18 and live with a friend or something. I think we could spare a room for you. ;) :D
Trip said:
I'm 17. And I want to stand out. I want to do something my mother wouldn't entirely approve of in my life. But I don't want it to be something that would ruin my life (tattoo, drugs, etc.) something like bleeching my hair, or something. What can I do? What are some things you've done that your parents didn't approve of, but eventually got used to?

A tattoo is going to ruin your life?
I don't know what it is in pop culture right now that says to be a rebel you have to die your hair or get a tattoo. It seems that to rebel you have to do something that your parents don't like or want, and doing something that your parents don't like or want just to be a rebel seems to be a really stupid reason to do something.
You say nobody likes you - I say who cares? Not that people don't care about you - I'm sure your parents do. And I'm sure that there are people who do like you, but again - who cares? You are living your life right now - not the abstract life of an acquaintance, or the life of your mothers son.
Also - not everyone sees everything the same. I'm sure you see yourself differently then your parents do. And there is really no way that you can get any kind of perception as to how a third person see's you besides having them describe it to you, and nobody can describe how they feel about you fully.
Don't live your life for other people - live it for yourself. You should be able to do what you want and when you want - and in the course of living you are sure to do something that someone doesn't, which will make you a rebel in somebody's eyes.
I'm going to go watch Elephant and be late for school. Elephant is a good movie. You should all see it.

*I just realized that "Elephant and be late for school" sounds awefully bad. Sorry, it's not what you think it means. lol
Hey man (boy I sound old) think about something. Sure your parent(s) get on your case and all the jazz (I'm definitely old) but look at the other side. At your age I would have KILLED to have a mother. My mother died when I was a young teenager. It took me a while to realize two things: 1) life happens sometimes and it doesn't help to be mad at God or the world, 2) You don't really know what you really have until it's truly gone. Life happens. Dealing with it defines who you really are!

I'm not trying to bring you down on this. I'm just trying to stress that in the end things are most definitely going to get better! I came from the darkest childhood but college (I'm living proof that you STILL CAN put yourself through college) can be the absolute best time in your life to that point. So don't get down, look to the future! You are on the verge of becoming yourself! Grab the opportunity and do something with yourself now before it's too late. Life is Great but it will not come for you. You have to go for it! You'll have heartbreaks and exhilarating times the rest of your life. What will make you a man is how you deal with the situations and make light of everything. Opportunity will not come to you. You have to go look for it and someday it will most definitely happen! The choice is yours and yours alone. Good Luck.