telnet auto connect


several months ago i set telnet to connect to my favorite MUD on startup of the terminal. Now i can't remember exactly what i did, muchless how to undo it. everytime i start up a terminal window, telnet starts up and connects to the MUD. Can anyone help me get it undone.

From what little Linux/Unix experience I have, it sounds like you edited your /etc/profile.d and had it set to perform a couple commands at each login. Sound familiar?

If not, I don't know what you did! :)
how about ~/.tcshrc - tcsh, ~/.cshrc - csh, ~/.bashrc or ~/profile - bash, its most likely going to be one of those 3 shells.
I agree but b0m8ad1l is trying to undo what he/she orignally did, so if it isnt ~/.login it could be something else though to make life easier ~/.login would be the ideal thing for future use :)