Terminal problems.


Hi, came this morning and started up Terminal. The window was 20x20 pixels and not rezieable. Non of prefs helps. Tryed Terminal in other accounts and it works just fine.

What can I do?
Go to ~/Library/Preferences/ and remove com.apple.Terminal.plist.

that should trash the preferences and make things go back to normal.
this may work:

copy/paste the terminal app to another location. delete original app and its prefs then log out. once you're back in osx move the copied app to the utilities folder and launch. should fix it but I can't promise anything.
Yes, I´ve tryed that to.
I´m lost!
Tryed all the sugestions this time........
Anything else?

Thanks for all help.
Hallo again and thanks for all the help.

It turned out that it was the Monaco font after all.
I did activate it in SuitCase, but not in FontBook, I guess that FontBook override SuitCase.

But in SuitCase it looks like Monaco is active.
SuitCase does NOT auto-activate fonts, except for a few select applications like QuarkXPress, Illustrator and InDesign by way of a SuitCase plug-in.

This means that you must launch SuitCase, activate the font(s) you want, THEN launch the application you intend to use those fonts in. Activating the font while the application is running won't do anything most of the time.
Fonts placed in Library fonts appers activated in SuitCase, but if you in an earlier state have turned them of in FontBook they don´t work, even if they look ok in SuitCase.

Just a warning to everybody else whit the sam problem.

Everything works fine now (not my english maybye), thanks for all help.