Text chopped!


Freelance Illustrator
Hey guys,

Been a while since I last posted on macosx.com Just the other day tons of my file/folder etc icon names appeared to have the bottom half of the text 'chopped off' however when I click the folder, move it around a bit, open it close it or any combination of those it reverts to fully viewable clean displayed text... :confused: hmmmm... I don't seem to have any problem using anything - just graphically weird text and only in the folder/file icons. The problem seems to be almost permanently fixed for any file used regularly. Well I'll stop going on abut it and post this :) see pics for example


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    Picture 1.png
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  • Picture 2.png
    Picture 2.png
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Despite my chilled approach to asking about this I am a little worried something's up with my Mac that may be a more serious problem :( than just text 'chopping' - in 6 years with the same Mac I've never experienced this before - any ideas please?
Thanks satcomer,

Tried it tho and it's still happening but not so much - any point in repeating the process more than twice??

what actually is happening here? Could I have deleted something before that I shouldn't have without knowing it? and can my mac reset these without me reinstalling something? Sorry if I'm being a bit dense here but as i said it's the first time I've had this problem.
You could try trashing the Finders Preference file (com.apple.finder.plist) located in User/Library/Preferences

if you think you may have deleted something, download and run the Combo Updater for the system version you have from here;


Just type your version in the search box.
Yay! as far as I can tell it worked!!:D

thanks to both Bobw & Satcomer both v helpful! this site rules because of all the guys like you 2!!

:D :D