The best and worst political leaders in the world?

I wouldn't exactly say Jesus Christ was the best political leader whom lived. I would apply a similar mindset to Ghandi. No matter how religiously or philosophically earth-shaking these two figures have been, I'd rather politicize a figurehead than a theological leader. >prepares to be flamed<

That said, I think Bush has recieved more than his share of flaming. I don't like the guy, I don't agree with all his decisions, and what he did with Katrina was pukable, but he still is the president, and with anybody in that position, he's a hell of a lot more prone to criticism than your average bear.

I appoint the best -personally and subjectively favorite- leader to be Clinton. The worst -personally and subjectively worst- leader was Hitler.

Fryke has a great point. Great leaders don't necessarily sprout from grandiose battles and wars and deals with other nations, but purely from allowing nothing to happen at all. Bloody revolutions are, in my mind, a hell of a lot worse than compromise whether my side won or lost.

Edit: ApeintheShell, I figure you weren't comparing Jesus Christ to political leaders as a political leader, but as something higher and grander than politics itself. Apologies if my argument missed your point.
Thanks to Moltke and the Kaiser, Europe and the World, was never the same. Oui ou non?

An aside: Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Moses and all other religious mystics have had their part to play as well. But that is a looooong story. In fact a story that nobody seems to know the final chapter. Nor wants to know. Too complicated and very, very dangerous.