The Duct Tape Thread!


Master of Reality
Hey everybody!
This is the thread where we all tell each other about the marvels of duct tape, stories about it, how we've used it, and things we've made out of it.

I mada a wallet out of pure duct tape. It even has a card pocket.

Last week, my Social Studies teacher asked me to devise a way to keep the blinds from rattling and shking, which they did constantly. So I duct Taped them to the wall :) . He was very pleased :D
Oh yeah, I used Duct tape to make a strap for my binder to make it kinda like a briefcase. a bunch of kids @ my school have duct tape bracelets, but they make your wrist all sweaty
Originally posted by Bluefusion
All fun until you get duct-taped for being a "random teenager", right? :)
I don't think that's gonna happen. ;)

In my secret (read: imaginary) life I also use duct tape to right wrongs, protect liberty and remove stubborn hair from people's arms (**rrriiippp** "YEOWCH!!"). :D
I have a friend who put on a leopard-skin, um, thingy and war paint and duct-taped his nipples and then went and took his Computer Science final.

Seriously. He has pictures.

-the valrus
Orginally posted by nkuvu:
I use Duct Tape to go to high schools and choose a random teenager to bind to the flagpole.

I've been following nkuvu around with a video recorder, building up a case full of evidence of assaulting minors. We'll see how creative he is at fashioning a "No Entry" sign out of duct tape to hang over his arse when he's trying to look for Bubba coming down the hallway of Cell Block E and holding a small mirror angled between the bars of his prison cell.
try reading my book - "how to raise children - the marvels of duct tape and cattle prods". It is currently creeping into the NY Times best seller list:D
Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and holds the Universe together.

I can't take credit for that myself, unfortunately. In fact, prety much any old-skool Mac owner who used to use 'After Dark' as a screen saver may have seen that on the 'quotes' option...
A few years ago i was mountain biking with some buddies when I took an endo and got a NASTY gash on my thigh.

Not having any bandages big enough, I duct-taped it and rode out. Finally getting a hospital I ended having 8 stitches, the doctor thought the duct tape idea was pretty good, except for the fact it hurt like a biznatch peeling it off in the ER. :eek: