The Duct Tape Thread!

Originally posted by BlingBling 3k12
post them in the funny things topic (i don't know the actual name) since they sound hilarious!

Frig, BlingBling, he has them. I don't. Bummer.

-the valrus
Originally posted by Valrus
I have a friend who put on a leopard-skin, um, thingy and war paint and duct-taped his nipples and then went and took his Computer Science final.

Seriously. He has pictures.

-the valrus

LOL...did they let him take the test like that?!
Sure, why not?

He's a crazy guy. He was kind of mellow and nerdy in high school, and while he's still both of those things, he's also become very anti-The Man, and he's in a group at Maryland that's pushing for different (legalization-oriented) drug laws.

-the valrus
Hello, xoot. This is America. Land of freedom of speech 'n the press 'n assembly (read: protests) 'n duct-taping your nipples. Of course they let him do that. While smoking marijuana is still illegal, trying using legal means to make it so that it isn't is just as legal as marching for gay rights.

-the valrus
I used to think duct tape was called duck tape. They sound the same, and It makes sense, because its a tape that is waterproof. I still think I'm right actually - the majority is always in the wrong.

Bernie :eek:)
Duck tape = Tape your ducks
Duct tape = Tape your air ducts

The bottom one makes the most sense, or at least a bit more than the first one. :D
is there any way we can use duct tape on xoot? Virtual duct tape is the next thing we need:p
Ah yes, duct tape.I remember a card we gave my father once, that said "If dad had been on titanic..."
It then showed a picture of the Titanic with the words "We need more duct tape! I think it's working!!" written on it. Very funny, IMHO :D