The fonts are seriously messed up.


Basically I've narrowed my Tiger problems into two categories: Things are slow, and the fonts don't work correctly. I think the fonts are causing all of my problems with Tiger.

EDIT: I've solved some of these problems below, so you might just want to skip to the next post.

Today's problem is with fonts. It seems like the majority of my problems have to do with that. Firefox and Safari aren't positioning text correctly, Times and Times Again (a grunge font) has gotten mixed up with Times (and, while this is bad, it only is noticeable in Safari), Font Book added Arial to my Grunge collection and won't let me remove it, and my demo of FontAgentPro is really, really clunky. Photoshop also gives me the beach-ball for a really long time when I create a new document.

First, I disabled Times and Times again, and that fixed Safari. But, even in FontAgentPro, Times is still confused with Times and Times again.
I got a tip from a Firefox bug report, so I tried it removing all of my font collections from Font Book, but that didn't work, so I put them back.
I disabled all of my grunge fonts (except for Arial ;)) and that fixed Photoshop momentarily, but it's back the way it was now.

Since I was having these font problems, I thought I try out FontAgentPro to see if that would fix it, however FontAgentPro is also behaving funny. For instance:
I have one font (3theHardwayRMX) that displays correctly in the Font Player, but is on the line above were it should be (or is out of sight) in Font Compare.
The Sets won't appear in the upper right window, but they will appear in the left window.
The fonts are all still in Font Book, but they aren't available in Photoshop until I activate them in FontAgentPro. Even then they won't update correctly when I drag text across the screen.

Ugh! What a big mess!
I just got rid of the ~/Library/Caches folder and plist files for FontBook and ATS (Apple Typface Services - or something like that) and that seems to have helped a good bit. Still not perfect, though.

I created a new user and Firefox works there, but it doesn't for my normal user. I guess I'll look into that.

Also, I forgot to mention that when editing HTML in Dreamweaver and when doing anything with textboxes in Firefox, the cursor appears at the character behind where it really is. This is a very annoying bug (but aren't they all).

And, at last check Times and Times Again isn't even in FontAgentPro's list, but it appears as Times. Thus causing Times to be grunge.
Ok. I've been working all day trying to get this cleared up, but some things still aren't right. I've gotten rid of all of my fonts and font collections like the Firefox hint said.

That fixed Firefox, but now I'm having trouble with Fontbook and FontAgentPro.
Fontbook now has all just the system fonts in it, so I thought I'd make a font collection of just the system fonts. However, the last font, Apple LiGothic, won't go into the collection. It's the strangest thing.

FontAgentPro is a lot better than Suitcase, but like Suitcase, it doesn't work right. Anytime I add a font set, add a font to a font set, or rename a font set, the program becomes unresponsive or the font sets disappear entirely. Suitcase, on the other hand, would actually crash (and it had a bunch of other things wrong with it, too).

What's going wrong now?