Honestly people have got some high expectations. Quit complaining.
You certainly wouldn't catch me dead on a "stand-up" model hover craft, much less putting on foot pads that levitate me instantly from my house to the train. (Albeit that's would be cool.)
I feel that Steve Jobs is right, this is something that "COULD" (seems the whiners always miss the catch words like that) innovate travel. This exact model will not re-invent travel as we know it, but what if this sort of concept, and more importantly it's implementation, is placed into cars the size of the current "smart" car? Now we see clean, efficent methods of transportation. Look at the big picture. People in high places get there because they set goals for the
future so when you take a baby step to that ultimate goal, you're still getting there. (Sometimes we don't take a step forward, look at those stupid foam noodle things... sold like hot cakes for no purpose at all)
"IT" is, I believe, a definate step forward in the innovation of travel as we know it. That is the ultimate goal for some. Clean, efficent, fast methods of transport. This is just one component to the puzzle that is the goal.
Think different. My point is, just because this doesn't create an inter-stellar portal from my computer room to the fridge doesn't mean it's crap!
So... I think it rocks. This wasn't meant to drive you ten miles, it was meant for people like me who have just over a mile to commute, or those who need to get across town without using the subway, or a cab. If I see someone on the highway with this thing I swear I'll take 'em out, there's no reason they should be invading the gene pool.
In defense of those who's expectations weren't met, expectations are opinions formed in our head, and when the facts meet the fiction... well, it can be less than extraordinary. I would have loved to see one of these with a Stirling engine. Oh well, maybe next time.
Look forward at the long run please, and less at the details. After all if we didn't we'd still be throwing stones at animals in the bush.