The Governator


Postmaster General
i was wondering what people in California or anywhere else thought of the prospect of having Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gary Coleman:confused:, or any of the other people running for governor in Cali. as governor
I run for governor.... i bring you good things.... AND DEATH!
[gun shots]

This will be very odd.... having a robot man sent back in time to change the future for the state of california.
Psh. It's stupid, and it probably won't happen. Us Californians can be pretty stupid, but I think the general voting population isn't THAT stupid.
Actors and Politicians have very similar personalities: they like to work with people, they "play" to an audience, and they like fame and power. I read that in a psychology book recently. The only problem I have with Hollywood actors getting into politics and government is a lack of fiscal experience and problem solving. I just hope it doesn't turn into a Jerry Springer politcal circus. American government and politics has moved away from the academics of the founding fathers of this democratic country and moved toward simple-minded mud-slinging emotionally swaying propaganda and heresay. Clearly, we need a change.
Gary Coleman is also supposedly throwing his hat into the ring. Plus Larry Flynt, Leo Gallagher (melon-smashing standup comic), and Arianna Huffington
Originally posted by brianleahy
Gary Coleman is also supposedly throwing his hat into the ring. Plus Larry Flynt, Leo Gallagher (melon-smashing standup comic), and Arianna Huffington

You're thinking of Ron. Leo's his brother.

EDIT: I don't know what I'm talking about :p
This whole situation is completely stupid. It was all propagated by Darrel Issa, who I think just wants to kick Davis out so he can swoop in, get himself elected, and "save the day." The problem is, this recall is coming at the worst possible time, since California is already $38 billion in debt, and the election is going to cost at least $30 million that could be going to better uses.

What was Issa thinking, anyway? He should be out there educating people on where the problems in California came from, like Governor Wilson, the guy before Davis, who put a number of practices into place that are now coming around to bite us in the ass. Like Enron and the other energy tyrants, who sucked the money out from under their stockholders' and customers' feet and jumped ship. Like, yes, even some of Davis' mismanagement. But he should not be gathering signatures to recall Davis (well, he shouldn't have, anyway). It's not like he'll be able to solve all of our problems overnight.

This just goes to show how corrupt government is becoming. The state legislature barely passed a budget, a month after it was due, and instead of addressing many of the issues, they chose to work around the problems. They're cutting programs left and right, yet this is not going to get us out of debt.

The real trouble with this recall is that it doesn't address the bigger picture. Do you know how many states are having financial difficulties? I do: a lot. I don't see any of them recalling their governors. Do you know where these troubles really came from? I do: the White House, with Bush's trickle-down economics and skyrocketing defense budget. I don't see anyone starting a petition to recall the president; why must we have a special election to recall our governor?

This is going to be one ridiculous election. I think the choices are "Keep Davis" and "Choose from one of these 300 candidates." 300 candidates! That's insane! Who are we to choose? Are we to choose one of the "brilliant" politicans? One of the famous actors? The head of Hustler? A nobody with big breasts from L.A.? One of many, many average Joes off the street? I don't see why so many people are running, most of them will get no votes whatsoever.

I read about a web site that is encouraging everyone to run: Basically, the premise is to get tons of names on the ballot in order to show how absurd the whole idea is. It will cost the state millions of dollars and wreck havoc on the polls, thereby showing people how we will not tolerate any more crap like this.

I sure hope that the people of California vote not to oust Davis. Then we can say we spent millions of dollars on a recall election for nothing, and show up Issa and anyone else who might imitate him. This whole thing is just absurd.

My friend Jerry told me (and I don't vouch for the accuracy of this, but its an interesting possibility) that the great majority of people who are registering as candidates are going by the wrong set of standards, and so might not really appear on the ballot.

Specifically, it supposedly takes only a couple of thousand bucks, and something like 64 signatures --- to appear on a gubernatorial PRIMARY ballot.

This, however, is not a primary - it's the real deal, and both the fee and number of signatures required are orders of magnitude larger than many people realize.

Anyone else heard this notion?
Stop hating on the terminator. He sees all. He hears all. He is all knowing. You can not run from him, you can not reason with him, and he absolutely will not stop until you are dead.
Dude, Ah-nold should stick to acting, because I don't want him acting as my governor. That's not helping anything.

I'd compliment your Photoshop skills if I weren't so adverse to the message.