The happy mac hasn't been in the firmware since the days of the 5500 series. It was moved into the "Mac OS ROM" file living inside the OS 9 system folder a long while back. And now it's been changed. The end.
And no offense, but what's the big deal anyway? I mean how often do you reboot your Mac these days? I only reboot when an update requires it. I guess I've seen the boot screen all of a couple dozen times in the last 16 or so months. Anyway, I kinda like the new Apple Logo boot screen.
Makes no sense at all, unless you want your consumers to _start up_ the machine they'd like to use. _Would_ make sense if Apple licensed the Mac OS to other computer vendors, which they don't.
I think all the hardcore Mac users like me, who love elegance, but still love to be on the cutting edge were hoping for a Smiley update.... I know I was..... true, we don't boot often... but when we do, we just love our smileys.... it's part of the Mac personality.