The "Lets-get-dizzy-and-spin-out-of-control!" Thread!

knickknacksnabbeldikickback :D

A big (censored) (censored) you to all of you who thought my sign. was too long!
Didn't get it? Go to the cus-thread and you will see an uncensored version of this! Totally free of charge!:o :)
:D :D :D :D :p

(I want a sarcasm smilie!!!)

Oh yeah my word:

...(smiles) with

My word with! The smile comes from nummi!
Nummi damn you1 you screwed up teh story :mad:

:p --- ok disregard nummi's posts and start from that ultra long word by unlearned :p
Repeat from start:

once upon a thyme, herve nuts classic computer was talking trash but nobody envisioned english cacophonisms decorating the sister antidisestablishmentarianism dutch-speaking near sighted dip-wads with long fingernails drinking copious amounts of a bottled message, ommiting grammatically several performance enhancing thingamajigs heartbreaking as typing nice-looking commas dang-didley-flandering and monkeying prosthetic butts around.
Anyway, this professor blantantly misunderstood belched as obliterated everything. In keeping infested warmongers very cold I managed numerous spanish kitty-kats with nice, big, puffy kidneys that oozed and released toxic perfumes while going crazy with his ultrainstantaneous dog-leash clad turtle named Eddy postponed supercalifragilisticexpialigoric growing Tetrahydrocanabinol in Boston teaparty costumes made me horny and mightily elevated my scrodem until police didn't shoot innocent poodles and unemloyed bumms named manicDVLN knockers knickknacksnabbeldikickback Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanicconiosis Floccipoccinihilipilification...

luxury jacht. (Note: Yes, that is all the name :D)