The "Lets-get-dizzy-and-spin-out-of-control!" Thread!

once upon a thyme, herve nuts classiccomputer was talking trash but nobody envisioned
english cacophonisms decorating the sister antidisestablishmentarianism dutch-speaking near
sighted dip-wads with long fingernails drinking copious amounts of a bottled message, ommiting

once upon a thyme, herve nuts classic computer was talking trash but nobody envisioned english cacophonisms decorating the sister antidisestablishmentarianism dutch-speaking near sighted dip-wads with long fingernails drinking copious amounts of a bottled message, ommiting grammatically several performance enhancing thingamajigs heartbreaking as typing nice-looking

once upon a thyme, herve nuts classic computer was talking trash but nobody envisioned english cacophonisms decorating the sister antidisestablishmentarianism dutch-speaking near sighted dip-wads with long fingernails drinking copious amounts of a bottled message, ommiting grammatically several performance enhancing thingamajigs heartbreaking as typing nice-looking
commas dang-didley-flandering and ...

once upon a thyme, herve nuts classic computer was talking trash but nobody envisioned english cacophonisms decorating the sister antidisestablishmentarianism dutch-speaking near sighted dip-wads with long fingernails drinking copious amounts of a bottled message, ommiting grammatically several performance enhancing thingamajigs heartbreaking as typing nice-looking
commas dang-didley-flandering and monkeying prosthetic butts around.
Anyway, ...
