The MacBook is out

Congrats again, I just passed the ten year mark myself and it feels like the blink of an eye. Have fun!
Actually I like the keyboard. I has a solid feel to it, but it still is quick to type on. I got the 2ghz base model. I plan to be upgrading the memory soon.


P.S. for all you WoW people, I installed wow and got 15fps in Gromgrol and ZG.
Looking forward to my experience... Every day brings me nearer to my MacBook. Ah... The happy days...
jhawk28 said:
P.S. for all you WoW people, I installed wow and got 15fps in Gromgrol and ZG.

Do you know how that compares to say the rates you'd get with one of the Intel iMacs? I tried it out after I got mine and I was seeing a good 45 FPS in IronForge with the iMac, but I haven't played in a long time so the other places I'd have no clue about. :D
Ordered mine. Looking forward to it. I hope the 2 GB of RAM help Rosetta performance, since I *do* have to get some work done in Adobe CS. But basically, I'm just soooooooo looking forward to being able to write more outside and in cafés etc.
I'm trying really, really hard not to order one myself.

But then since I sold my 17" G4 a month or two ago I'm been jonezing for a Mac portable big time. :)
Fryke let me know how that shiny screen works out for you. I am hesitant about it myself since most places I work have a window behind or beside me. It is a pretty screen but if the glare get too bad...
Unless you want to share a movie with more than one friend, you mean? ;) ... I'll certainly review the little bugger once it gets here. Might be Monday if it doesn't get here by Friday. Thursday's a holiday here, so I might have miscalculated... Either way: I'll write about it.
Okay, got mine. It arrived very early this morning and is now living on battery until it goes to deep-sleep, so I can fully recharge it for the first time. :) ... The keyboard is "okay" even in the first seconds, but I guess after a couple of hours, I won't miss the old one. The space between keys irritates my fingers a little, though.

Glossy screen? Very different - but good, I think. Right now I have the windows of the room in my back, and I certainly _do_ get a bit of glare, but nothing I couldn't live with. Good picture. When I turn around - so there's no glare - the picture is perfect, I think.
And if you turn the brightness off _ompletely_, I can _still_ see what I'm writing here! So I guess it *IS* better to work with out in the sun! Just turn the brightness down completely and let the sunlight light the screen a little for you! I'll have to test that, of course.
I've written a first-impression type thingie at ... There'll be more once my battery is fully loaded and the MacBook used for a couple of hours.

Oh... Have to add that MS Office really is _no_ problem through Rosetta with 2 GB of RAM. Neither is Adobe CS 2. At least for a _little_ work. I'll have to test it against more serious files still, but initial testing tells me that Apple's doing the right thing pushing the move to intel.
I got the white one cos they didnt have a black one!! No, seriously though, its a bit of a joke charging an extra £120 squids, when you don't even get a black adaptor. Still, the 2.0ghz white one would still be cheap at £1, 020.
nice. :) hey! i just found out that, well, parallels _rocks_ as a solution for running the occasional windows software and (!): the two-finger on pad plus button works as a second mouse button in windows (through parallels), too! so does scrolling with two fingers! gotta say: very convenient solution... now if only i had a real use for windows besides testing web pages. :P
Nice! So what are you doing with your old Powerbook? Are you happy with the keyboard on the Macbook? You've convinced me to buy the base model (I was thinking about the Superdrive... but meh...)
fryke said:
now if only i had a real use for windows besides testing web pages. :P

I haven't managed to find one yet, apart from testing web pages as you say. Keep me posted if you manage to find one.