The "mystery item" is out again...


Bona Fide Pater Familius
Appleinsider is say there is a third product that was not announce yesterday (11/18). Their predicting that is is the display upgrades.

I have heard about the 30" Cinema. Feasible?

Also, I could care less about this, but keep hearing rumbling of an"iPod AV"? My thoughts are: Apple has already made them and their called iBooks and Powerbooks.
PowerPod? Newton II? iTablet? Could be this price range...

Or a 17"/18" wide screen along the other updated displays...
That would make it no longer an iPod. Can we please not start the debate about "The iPod should have this and that and the other things"? It gets nowhere, since Apple is committed to keeping the iPod a music player.
There is a difference between feasible and marketable. Frankly, a 50-inch LCD display and Quad 2GHz G5 is "feasible".
Whoa, Apple keeping the iPod a music player? Hardly. It's a personal organizer, photo vault and firewire hard drive now.

I doubt they'll make many more harware upgrades to the line in terms of adding new features like a camera, but Apple has consistently introduced new software abilities to the iPod since day 1.

I think Apple's direction for the iPod is more of a portable storage device for different kinds of media (data, music, contacts, etc.), with a strong emphasis on being an MP3 player.