The new apple designs!


Here are some fiction pictures of the new apple computers...


  • g5-3.jpg
    4.5 KB · Views: 879
I have it from an other site, but i really like those designs, i hope apple gets his inspiration from that site :p

Originally posted by senne
picture 4
This picture is an ok photoshop job- the bottom is obviously cut out of a pic of the cube, the top looks like a squished version of the 17" clear graphite display I have, and the front looks like it was taken from one of Apple's flatscreen side view pics.
I like the first pic though.
I love how the last iMac picture has a slot for CDs in the front, and yet the computer isn't think enough to accept a CD fully. Now that's quality design.

Those are great designs! Hopefully Apple gets ahold of them and uses them. I really like the G5 and the iMac with the CD loading at the top! Cool!

Apple can't come out with those new iMac designs. It would make me want one, and I just got by Sage-colored friend last September. Just kidding about the not releasing a tight new iMac, lets lure the rest of the 95% with it.:)
picture 3... it looks like it would fall over... all that weight on a little piece of plastic? i don't think that's possible...

picture 5... no possible way that a CD or DVD could fit in there unless apple would create some sort of machine that would turn the cd/dvd into a little mini-something and then spit it back out in perfect size. a little bit of a design flaw by the person who designed that one...
I think that what rhale1 is saying is acceptable, because a new Imac in January can be very expensive. But Apple can add value. What is making the imac less atractive is that it communication can be bettered. A cable adding by the lowend-imac with makes it possible two use broadband and adding another computer and making it possible to connect with a pc will not add much to the cost as including a floppy or an LCD and you can sell it for the other models.
"NoThing SF" I'm glad to have seen once in my life Sam Fox(mac)
and you know what she sings "One in a Million"new imacs!