The PC-Mini?

Qion said:
Sorry for the late post, but honestly I think that this is infuriating. It is so unbelievably obvious that this is a total copy of the Mini- why o why can't the PC whores get their own designs? First, steal our software, but our computer design? I SHUN THEM!!!

Because imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. ;)

Besides, Apple has also gone ahead and included technologies they didn't create, like PCI, USB, AGP, etc. Had Apple stuck with their "Not Invented Here" syndrome, they would be a memory and we would all be like those Amiga users. (Not to knock Amiga users, since I do think they were the coolest machines at the time, but the company did fubar their chances with a machine that was ahead of its time, IMO.)

And I would LOVE to have a nice UNIX or Linux box like that next to a Mac mini. Those huge PC boxes can definitely get in the way....

am i seeing this wrong, but is that detail (the white lines) drawn on the surface of the prototype? It really seems like that. That's just unbelievable. I would be picked on by my peers if I did that back in college (as an industrial design major). Not saying that this design looks bad, but this design is not refined or appropriate for a public presentation. It doesn't show much creativity either. It's a really basic form that reminds me of a design from a Japanese marker rendering technique book from the 1990s. I'm all for more industrial designers out there, but this kind of work doesn't pass. It'll just be forgotten.
Qion said:
Sorry for the late post, but honestly I think that this is infuriating. It is so unbelievably obvious that this is a total copy of the Mini- why o why can't the PC whores get their own designs? First, steal our software, but our computer design? I SHUN THEM!!!

Uhm... not to beat the PC drums too much, but the MiniITX stuff has been around for quite a while, now. Long time.
Qion said:
Sorry for the late post, but honestly I think that this is infuriating. It is so unbelievably obvious that this is a total copy of the Mini- why o why can't the PC whores get their own designs? First, steal our software, but our computer design? I SHUN THEM!!!
YEAH! Rage on!! :p

It's amazing how much Apple stuff inspires others, then again it has had a major impact on societies all over the world. Apple just make great stuff, everyone wants to copy it. I'm so happy I'm getting a Mac!!
chornbe said:
Uhm... not to beat the PC drums too much, but the MiniITX stuff has been around for quite a while, now. Long time.

True, but I find it funny that the PC market just randomly decides to take advantage of it RIGHT after Apple does....hmmm.......
Eh, every manufacturer does it. There's little innovation in the entire computer business. Just degrees of evolution.

Apple wasn't the first to use a modem, to build a notebook, to use graphics, to... you see my point. The whole computer market..., hell, just about *ANY* market you can name... is a hodgepodge of ideas, evolution and increments. Cars. Toasters. Computers. Laundry machines. Nuclear bombs. Medicine. Porn. Pick an industry.

It's all the same.