CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Jan 21, 2005 #823 Who wouldn't want to receive birthday greetings from the eminent Arden?
diablojota Doctoral Student Jan 21, 2005 #827 Do you think that we would care if we offended you? (no offense)
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Jan 23, 2005 #830 What makes you think I would be offended, especially since I put the wink at the end of my question?
pds Registered Jan 23, 2005 #831 So, now that we know that no-one is offended, can we get on with it?
g/re/p I can haz cigar? Jan 23, 2005 #833 what the hell is that sticky brown stuff dripping off of your shoe?
nixgeek Mac of the SubGenius! :-) Jan 23, 2005 #834 did you forget to watch out for the toilet again?? Tsk, Tsk...
Zammy-Sam Desertchild Jan 24, 2005 #835 Is a regularly used and old keyboard really dirtier than a toiletbrush?
CaptainQuark 93 93/93 Jan 24, 2005 #837 Does your G5 keyboard, like mine, contain more cigarette ash than your ashtray?
pds Registered Jan 24, 2005 #840 Is that a promo for smoking or a sad comentary on the state of things in xlatorville?