S scope Registered Aug 2, 2002 #122 Wouldn't some people call these kinds of threads a wast of disk space on MacOSX.com's servers?
JetwingX iWork for Apple <3 Aug 5, 2002 #132 because he is pointing his finger and he is accusing us of pointing fingers. why else?
Z Zaphod_B Just me :) Aug 5, 2002 #133 Why is pointing fingers considered to be not appropiate in western society? (c'mon guys, keep up the level )
Why is pointing fingers considered to be not appropiate in western society? (c'mon guys, keep up the level )
T tk4two1 Professional Crastinator Aug 5, 2002 #134 Am I really pointing my finger or is that just what you've been brainwashed to think?
S scope Registered Aug 5, 2002 #137 no? I think anything is a question if you put a question mark on the end...am I right, or am I right?
no? I think anything is a question if you put a question mark on the end...am I right, or am I right?
boi official breaker of macs. Aug 5, 2002 #139 i think any sentence could be a question if you add 'no' to the end, no?
ksv web developer Aug 5, 2002 #140 Originally posted by boi i think any sentence could be a question if you add 'no' to the end, no? Click to expand... I don't think that is quite right, no?
Originally posted by boi i think any sentence could be a question if you add 'no' to the end, no? Click to expand... I don't think that is quite right, no?