The Question-Question Thread

Have you ever tried to use a font-making program on a computer that is sitting on the floor, with a screen that's usually too blurry to be able to do anything graphic very well? (In other words... no.)
Would you say the hardest part of the task is sitting on the floor or using the blurry monitor?
Which do you think is more difficult, sitting on the floor with a desk chair directly behind you or trying to make out text on a monitor that should be taken out back and smashed, simply for its own good?
Can there really be such a thing as too many run-ons, or is it merely your own displeasure at reading something that takes more attention than a... oh.

Do I?
As that last entry consisted of two sentences, the first of which was not a question, but a statement, should Arden be banished from for all time? :p


Does wondering about Arden's post-count have some sort of Freudian implications about the content and quality of the wonderers post-count?

Edited by pds - reason for editing: dot the i on the smilie
