The Register: Apple Tablet?

lnoelstorr said:
An odd way to admit you were wrong (in saying "definitely not possible") but never mind.

I also doubt it would have a powerful enough magnet to damage anything (unless you take your computer apart and rub it against the components), most computers already have a few magnetic components anyway (just from passing a paperclip over my iBook I can locate two magnets, one for the catch, and one seemingly for the optical drive).

Oh, and do magnets damage speakers? I thought it was the other way round (and the rather powerful magnets in speakers can screw stuff up - though mainly just CRT displays).

the reed switchs in notebooks are static. you're not going to damage anything because you cant move them around. a refridgerator magnet can mess up a floppy, CRT, speaker, HD, etc. i imagine the iSight magnet comes with a warning. i personally would never place a magnet anywhere near computer components.

aluminum/anodized aluminum should not be magnetic. it must be mixed with an iron oxide. not exactly aircraft grade aluminum as claimed.

if you have a speaker and are willing to damage it, stick a magnet to the front or back and see what happens. :D
It's really besides the point. My reasoning on speculating an update to the iSight was this quote from Apple's site:

Magnetic Personality
To attach your iSight to the new displays, Apple now offers a magnetic mounting solution. This stand is available in new iSight boxes this summer, and included in the

Now I'd read that as "new iSight boxes" meaning possibly slight revamp of the design, and changes in the accessories included, which will include a magnetic mount. This may not be the only mounting option it includes, though. Enough said, it was solid speculation.
kendall said:
the reed switchs in notebooks are static. you're not going to damage anything because you cant move them around.

But you can move your notebook around, or you can move things around your notebook.

I may try the speaker thing, I can believe it could affect the speaker whilst next to it (as it would interfere with the internal magnets) and might affect the sound, but I'd dount it would do any permanent damage (as otherwise putting speakers next to each other, as people often do, could cause damage to them).

Oh - though I should say that I agree in principle that putting magnets next to computers is a bad thing, but I doubt Apple would sell a magnetic stand for the iSight that had a high probability of damaging computer equipment. They'd just get way too many complaints, bad press, court cases, etc...