>Seems to me you have some ulterior motive in bashing the OS X interface.
Yes, of course. I want it fixed. Unless you're trying to tell me
about some persecution complex of yours?
>(and MANY others) find we get our work done much more efficiently with the
>new layout.
My postbag says no. Boo-hoo.
>You're a journalist, so maybe you and your Word apps run
>sufficiently well in OS 9 or Windows, but for us creative individuals,
Snicker - I am more creative than you. No, I am. No, I am! Quit
polishing your halo, you pompous ass.
>is a dream come true.
>Granted OS X is evolving. Christ-on-a-stick! it's only a year old!!
Christ-on-a-stick! It's fourteen years old!!
It was in mothballs when Apple bought it! They spent five years
adding some Aqua bloatware before releasing it!
Sorry if you feel let down. Write to them, not me.
> And the
>improvements in that short period of time blow me away.
>It's the USER, stupid.
Yes, and the USERs are saying Apple treats them with arrogant disdain.
Glad you're happy though. Suspect you'd be happy if Apple came and
crapped in your kitchen - but then different strokes for different
As a Mac users I'm sorry to see Apple goof so badly it gives succor
to the Windoze weenies. So it goes...
Seems he has some facts wrong. I am replying to him with a link to this thread....
AND... I always find that once one descends to the level of name-calling (he called me an ASS! I thought he's be more creative than that...) they really have nothing of value to say. Or, at least, they have nothing of value in which I am interested...
Maybe some others should point out that there are others that feel as i do. Boo-Hoo.
And, how much would Apple Crap be worth on E-Bay?
This guy is a hack. Hell, he gives hacks a bad name....
Let Andy know what you think:
Andrew Orlowski <bayvulture@mac.com>