The Register Follow up article

Boy, did someone get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or what? I don't thing I'm missing the tone here, you really need to lighten up (which is strange considering you seem to be saying that your other posts were in jest).

You should be ready for anything if you start threads of this nature (and I wasn't even attacking you here). You seem like a nice enough guy, but I could start picking on you if you wanted :D (that was a joke, just thought I would add this because you don't seem to be in a joking mood this morning).
Very good, you could pick my tone, I am in a bad mood this morning. Only had 8 hours sleep last night, i need atleast 12 :D
I haven't had any yet, so i'm getting a little punchy :p .

8 hours of sleep sound great right now... off to bed :o .
in the other thread, the Andrew Orlowski article bashing Aqua is really just one man's rant backed up with his opinions, none of which hold much weight.
For instance...

His first point...

1) It's Sticky...
Unless it's been hidden manually, the Dock is always visible, and guaranteed to overlay the foreground application window. Now, many Carbon applications don't know where the Dock is, so if you maximise an application, the window's resize handle (and there's only one) is now inaccessible. So off you go, and hide the dock, just so you can grab the handle and resize the window?

His argument about the dock is so weak he even offers the solution right in his statement.. "Unless it's been hidden manually...". Well, then just HIDE IT and your problem is solved. I keep my dock hidden at all times, either on the bottom or the right, depending on how much screen real estate I am working with (bottom on my TiBook, right on my G4/800DP with 1280x1024 res.)

Next point...

It's slow...
It's been beaten to death. If you have a machine that falls below the G4/400 line, it's a given that OS X's GUI will run slower on your hardware. However, OS X's GUI has advantages over 9's that can dramatically speed up work done in the Finder, - if you bother to learn and use them. For instance, I don't have to move my mouse to a volume and double click on it to browse it (like in OS9). I just use command N and there it is. Ditto for going straight to my home, applications, or iDisk folder. All have keyboard shortcuts that save a ton of time. I can also access Favorites from the Finder menu, or from the Finder toolbar if I choose to put them there. All it requires is a simple drag and drop. In OS 9, to add an alias to the Apple menu, you have to open the System Folder>Apple Menu Options. Find the folder with the item you want to alias, and then drag the alias to the Apple Menu Options Folder. It's not too difficult, but it isn't nearly as simple as the OS X equivilent. Again, you have to adjust your thinking a little to take advantage of these new time saving features.

3) It's Patronising...
Mr. Orlowski complains about how everything (Icons, Meunu Bar, Widgets, etc) is larger in OS X and it sucks away your screen real estate. While there is truth to this statement, he fails to mention that everything (save the System Font used in the Menubar) can be scaled to whatever size you deem appropriate. The icons, the dock all can be adjusted to as small as you want, or as large as you want. WindowsXP's new Luna UI suffers from the same "enlargement", and although you can revert to the Classic Windows UI (blech), how is that any easier than manually adjusting your dock size and your Icon size? It isn't.

4) Obey the Steve.
Here's where his argument loses cohesiveness and just becomes a random, unorganized diatribe. Basically to sum up, Mr. Orlowski is unhappy about Apple going it alone with Aqua, and not allowing the OS to be themed. I'll agree with this to some degree. I think Apple should have at least had a Platinum like backup for those who found Aqua distasteful. However, the OS is only 10 months old, and already there are around 2 dozen themes that can replace the liquidity of Aqua with something more platinum-esque. I understand why Apple, at least at this moment wants Aqua as the sole UI for OS X. They are trying to build a "brand" (OS X), and to offer other themes out of the box will confuse people as to what OS X looks like, and to a lesser extent, what it is/does. I do feel strongly that Apple should at least not get in the way of theme developers. If someone wants to re-theme their OS, they shouldn't be stopped.

From here in out, the article mostly just crticizes the Dock (ala Tog's rant). Please, look at this screen capture of my desktop (below). The Dock is hidden. If I were using ASM, or Menustrip, or FruitMenu, or DragThing, I could never have to interact with the dock at all (except for those times when I accidentally roll over it). Again, let me say it in caps so you can hear it - IF YOU DONT LIKE THE DOCK - HIDE IT AND DONT USE IT.

As for what Mr. Orlowski should do with his G4, he can send it my way. I'll even pay for shipping...
What menu extra is that farthest to the left, serpi (can I call you that? :D )? I've never seen it before.
and here is his response in it's entirety:

>Seems to me you have some ulterior motive in bashing the OS X interface.

Yes, of course. I want it fixed. Unless you're trying to tell me
about some persecution complex of yours?

>(and MANY others) find we get our work done much more efficiently with the
>new layout.

My postbag says no. Boo-hoo.

>You're a journalist, so maybe you and your Word apps run
>sufficiently well in OS 9 or Windows, but for us creative individuals,

Snicker - I am more creative than you. No, I am. No, I am! Quit
polishing your halo, you pompous ass.

>is a dream come true.
>Granted OS X is evolving. Christ-on-a-stick! it's only a year old!!

Christ-on-a-stick! It's fourteen years old!!

It was in mothballs when Apple bought it! They spent five years
adding some Aqua bloatware before releasing it!

Sorry if you feel let down. Write to them, not me.

> And the
>improvements in that short period of time blow me away.
>It's the USER, stupid.

Yes, and the USERs are saying Apple treats them with arrogant disdain.

Glad you're happy though. Suspect you'd be happy if Apple came and
crapped in your kitchen - but then different strokes for different

As a Mac users I'm sorry to see Apple goof so badly it gives succor
to the Windoze weenies. So it goes...


Seems he has some facts wrong. I am replying to him with a link to this thread....

AND... I always find that once one descends to the level of name-calling (he called me an ASS! I thought he's be more creative than that...) they really have nothing of value to say. Or, at least, they have nothing of value in which I am interested...

Maybe some others should point out that there are others that feel as i do. Boo-Hoo.:rolleyes:

And, how much would Apple Crap be worth on E-Bay?

This guy is a hack. Hell, he gives hacks a bad name....

Let Andy know what you think:

Andrew Orlowski <>
I want to make sure I'm reading you correctly. You actually think that I would like Apple taking a crap in my kitchen (no matter how figuratively it may have been meant)?

I would hope you would give me more credit than to think I blindly love all things Apple - crap included. You should do a little research before you start jumping on an ill-informed, childish and unprofessional bandwagon.

I criticize where criticism is due in several fora both online and in consulting groups.

I will not, however, abide false statements presented as fact. Something at which Mr. Orlowski seems quite adept.

If I read your comment wrong, I apologize. If not, think twice before characterizing individuals you have never "met" and on whom you have done no research as relates to their character, qualifications and opinions.
I think that his response was in very poor taste. But I also have to admit that it doesn't surprise me though. The articles I have read don't reflect a majority of the Mac community, either in stance or tone.

From the first time FrgMstr posted a link I knew that both Orlowski and FrgMstr where going for shock value. And Orlowski's reply sounds like something he has had to write quite a lot (he sounds fed-up we getting opinions that differ from his own). If I had gotten a few e-mails differing from my opinion, but a majority supporting it, I would not have felt the need to write such a heated response.

I think you read it right, and I think FrgMstr has just past over the line. I would offically call him a troll at this point. I had hoped he was better than that, but what can you stay. He posts like a troll.
Sad thing is, I often like the register. I am trying to keep an open mind but if the editors allow such tripe, it makes one wonder...
well actually i was just saying it was funny(you lot take things to seriously and have no sense of humour), you know what i dont really care if you think im a troll cos i really lost confidence in this forum ages ago- they dont actually believe in free speech- just thought id pop in to see how things were going since one of my old threads was reopened.

Cant really be bothered about what people think now goong by past experience in here now i just say it and if people dont like it tough it just proves my point.

This is one of the most open and least moderated boards I've come across. Again, it seems your facts are in error. Nothing surprising there...

Or perhaps "free speech" to you simply means speech with which you agree.
apb3 tell you what m8, go to, compare

and then tell me if this is a free speech board, ive had perfectly decent threads deleted on here so dont go telling me whats free and whats not, i think you should realise in life that just cos you dont see it doesnt me it doesnt happen so do us all a favour and go grow up or try living in the real world.