The wait is over! New AluBook 15''!

No, 'Biter of Apples', there's only _ONE_ RAM-sleeve on the 12". 256 MB is on-board (soldered), you can add a 256, 512 or 1024 MB DIMM to that. So choose wisely when you choose your RAM expansion. (And don't buy THAT from Apple... Much too expensive.)
I thought the light was blue-ish, but it's quite dim, it won't hurt your eyes, even in the night. You can fine tune it, AFAIK, with the prefs. But the 12" doesn't have it ...
sigh... looks like imma have to learn some linux... :mad:
Originally posted by UNIX X11
sigh... looks like imma have to learn some linux... :mad:

1. We told you to wait.
2. The only real differences is that the new 12" has 128MB more RAM, USB 2.0 and 133MHz faster CPU. Other than that, it's the same thing.
3. Now that you HAVE a Mac, why use it for Linux? I could see your line of thoughts if you tried running OS X on a low-cost PC, but running Linux on an expensive Mac as opposed to a PC just seems stupid IMO...
4. We still love you
5. We told you to hang on for a month...
Originally posted by UNIX X11
sigh... looks like imma have to learn some linux... :mad:

The changes are not THAT important after all... Now, if you had bought a 15" it would be somewhat a problem! :rolleyes:

Enjoy your 12" because it still is an amazing piece of technology and it will continue to be until Apple will include all the features of the 15" & 17" models :D ;)
No one told me to wait. I just went and bought it. My iMac was dying. And whaddya know. It's dead now. so wee.
I know you all still love me
and hulk shut up... i mean please dont give me those visions...
Originally posted by UNIX X11
...and hulk shut up... i mean please dont give me those visions...

Hulk knows that you are angry not at Hulk but Apple...

Hulk knows that you are smarter than Hulk and that's why Hulk understood that you did not mean Hulk to shut up!

When people tell Hulk to shut up Hulk gets angry... And Hulk knows that no one wants Hulk to get angry because when Hulk is angry, things get smashed, HARD :mad:

::love:: :D ;)
Well, as far as the Powerbook update went it wasn't much to write home about. I'd like to see how well the new processor runs compared to the 'old' G4.
The best update in my opinion is the 12" Powerbook. The 15" is just what was expected nothing more.
I'm still holding out for the G5 Powerbook before I replace my Lombard. Hope I don't have to wait too long, next update I hope in..well... 10 month :p

Oh another thing as well, since the 15" and 17" doesn't have any L3 cache anymore that means that they won't be that much faster then the 12" is, like it was before the update.
I guess it means the new processor is faster then the old one since Apple didn't need to add on L3 cache to improve speed.

Originally posted by hulkaros
The changes are not THAT important after all... Now, if you had bought a 15" it would be somewhat a problem! :rolleyes:

Tnx, hulk!
This was what I needed to make my day! ;)
Originally posted by Zammy-Sam
Tnx, hulk!
This was what I needed to make my day! ;)

Don't worry! It takes 2 to Tango and in our case, I too own a 15" TiBook 1GHz/DVD-R...

Now, what say you? Wanna dance? :p

:D ;)
About that L3 cache: The PowerPC 7457 has a larger (512K) L2 cache, which should take care of this. We'll see the benchmarks soon, I guess. ;-)
It's going to be interesting to see the benchmark scores of the new G4 vs the old one. As far as I know Apple didn't mention any speed comparisons during the keynote, did they?

Originally posted by Koelling
The wait is over! I just bought my new Powerbook!

Now I just have 2-3 days to wait and that may seem longer than the 4-5 months I've already waited.
go shove it up your a... I mean congrats!

If you ever want someone to take it off your hands... just PM me...
Originally posted by tsizKEIK
indicates otherwise:P

The part that you quoted me my greek friend is going to the 12" of not having THAT important changes... :rolleyes:

And also from that quote I was saying that with the 15" model the changes ARE important... ::ha::

Now, before you will post something next time in order to poke me you should read closer ALL our previous postings or perhaps you may want me to help you read them :p

Anyways, I wish you a nice new 15" or 17" PowerBook because by now we all know how DESPERETALY you want one! ;)