Oh PLEASE!!! ... I am a "Mac User" ... as many of you know... BUT! A lot of you know me as that "windows xp user who used to hang around here" (with his system mocked out in aqua ...yada yada). As a result, i am MORE than familiar with XP and how things work, infact, definitely more so, than i am now working in OS X on my Cube.
So Androo, you gave up already? I guess in many respects, you deserve props for "giving it a try". However, DID You really?!
Problem 1:
Installing> I cant seem to install overtop of windows 98. something is forcing me to have problems.
Mac Side:
Notice how easy it was to upgrade from os9 to X? you insert the cd, follow the 6 simple steps, and wait for about 20-30 minutes.
Well, you were Very Vague, in your documentation of setup, and it could a million and one things wrong with your PC. Windows isn't as nice when it comes to re-installing, graphically. I know, everytime i pop in an OS X CD, i still find it quite amazing i am working in a fully shadowed aqua, right off the CD (Albeit slowed down!)
So I guess you got one point here, but probably only because you didn't define the situation properly. Obviously, however you overcome it, to give us 4 more points to chew on, out of interest, what exactly was the issue?!
Problem 2:
Storage> It is hard to find things. A drive, C drive, D drive, L drive, M drive, AHHHH TOO MANY DRIVES!
The Mac side:
If you insert a disc into your mac, it shows up on the desktop. Also, you have a hard drive, called Macintosh HD (or whatever u named it!)
I Disagree with you here. How does it have too many drives?! A hard drive partitioned 3 times in the Finder, appears as 3 volumes, JUST like it does in Windows Explorer. You can add text labels to the hard drives in XP, and even call it "Macintosh HD" if you like. Maybe, not being used to seeing a drive definition (ie A
confuses you, you're not used to it?! Personally, i find this a great help! When using Command line stuff, you need to know one letter, and type only one letter, not have to type "Macintosh HD" or w/e else.
As for your point with regards to Desktop Mounting. With Removable media, i like this, its nice to see my iPod is connected, and that i have a CD sat in my Cube, but Local Internal drives? I don't like them on the desktop, we know they are connected, and if you want to get to them, surely thats why we have the shiny Finder icon in our docks?
Problem 3:
"Blue Screen of Death"> it says some crazy crazy thing, and says press space to continue. But that never does the job. You have to restart.
BSOD's? Hmmmm... The good ol' BSOD's!
Ok, well by default, i thought the logging was turned off, in which case you SHOULDN'T even see the BSOD. If the kernel crashes or whatever, Windows would restart. You usually have to configure this in the advanced properties panel, from My Computer. If you do however see the BSOD, it usually points to a direct file that may have caused the crash, and does give more valid information than the previous Windows BSOD, and maybe even a OS X Kernel Panic too (we are talking, in the state of a crash, not including the logging, after the reboot).
Problem 4:
Installing> i find it soo confusing (this is windows 98 i am talking about right now), soooo confusing to install things. You have you .exe inside of the .zip. Then there's the installing inside it. And kazaa still wont work!
You find it so confusing?! (BTW, with regards to installing, nothing major really changed from 98 thru to XP) Surely extracting a zip, and launching the "exe" is no worse than having to Mount a Disc image, and open up a "pkg" file?! Both are then proceeded by many steps quite similar in the way they represent themselves ... its not such a difference really.
Problem 5:
Explanations> When something quits or wont load up, it doesnt say anything except "Solitaire used an illegal operation, number 5598". What this is illegal!? going to arrest solitaire now? Going to lock it up in the "recycling bin"?
Mac invented the whole trash thing, windows then used recycling bin. That means that it isn't taken off your system.... it is just reused!
Errors? Yup, i agree on that one, Windows Error messages are TERRIBLE. I don't understand your point about the recycle bin tho, as far as i ever knew, they worked the same way?!
Ok, now don't get me wrong, i am NOT an unhappy Mac User, infact i aim to get a Rev2 G5 later next year. Its' just that after using Windows for so many years, you just "know it, understand it, and essentially had to deal with it." From time to time, you see people like Androo, but they tend NOT to really explore like they should, and are quick to label things as awful, complicated, unstable ... etc etc. When the differences between their preferred system, and their testing environment isn't so different. They just refuse to actually look at it unbiasedly.
Ok, i think i'm done now!