Themes & icons


Simply Daemonic
Is there a a way to change "themes" in OS X ?
How about sites that offer custom OS X icons (like did and still does for the MacOS)
Yes, there is.

For a _lot_ of info, check out the Customizing OS X thread in and then proceed to General Discussion.

There are lots of ways to change OS X, the more 'hardcore' ones being to convert the data fork of Extras.rsrc (this is where Aqua is held) to a resource fork, edit the resource fork as you please (mainly CLUT and PXM resources), and then plug it back in.

The tool to edit 'themes' is called 'theminator' from:

Have fun.
is theming going to banned and killed by apple before it even gets started?

me doth thinks they think too highly of aqua.

i really want to see some crrrazzy "enlightenment" type themes.
yes, enlightenment would rock muchly..

hopefully, once GTK is ported over to OSX, stuff such as enlightenment shall follow....
and suchly

Originally posted by jdennison
yes, enlightenment would rock muchly..

hopefully, once GTK is ported over to OSX, stuff such as enlightenment shall follow....
and suchly


yep. hopefully it won't be too crashy.
Hey, has anyone seen Dark Angel lately? Reason I ask is that one of the characters is running a g4 Cube with a purdy damn cool theme--over osx. Does anyone know where to find this?!?
In many shows and movies they have different themes...
Dark Angel,
Mission Impossible,
The net
just to name a few....

Where does anyone get those themes ???
It would be nice to have something similar to the M:I theme lol ;)


has Desktop Snap Shots. I looks like just a nifty K-Scheme. The actual show has a bunch of cool stuff that I don\\\'t think it at all easy to do in OS 9. I think that when you see a bunch of translucent windows and stuff like that they are using a form of unix like Linux PPC, or something.

For further evidence that Unix is in house take a look at the lists of file names in the background of :
The should be familiar to most unix people.

The following is a direct link to one of the OS 9 desktop shots:

I would guess that the shadows below the folders are part of the desktop pict. They have a OS X Trash can though!

If you look at the Menus they seem reminiscent of an image editing application so maybe all the other cool looking windows are just images that were made up to look like Database info.

Does anyone recognize the icons of the application?
Originally posted by jdennison
yes, enlightenment would rock muchly..

hopefully, once GTK is ported over to OSX, stuff such as enlightenment shall follow....
and suchly


I don\'t think you understand much about GTK or window managers.

Porting GTK to OS X has no purpose except to make it look like Aqua. GTK apps using this library won\'t behave like macs nor will they follow Aqua UI metrics. It\'s a far better idea to run GTK in X11, you won\'t gain anything by running it in Quartz.

Porting GTK to OS X will do nothing, absolutely nothing to help port enlightenment. If you want to run enlightenment themes (which pale in comparison to Allegro themes feature-wise) you\'ll have to patch the HIToolkit library. Even after doing this Cocoa apps won\'t look right because they don\'t (yet) use HIToolkit to draw title bars.
I think its important to port gtk to macos x. Becuase then x windows apps can be ported. Gimp is a app I love to see running on macosx. gtk is ported to classic and needs to be carbonized to run on osx. check out

Originally posted by clark
I think its important to port gtk to macos x. Becuase then x windows apps can be ported. Gimp is a app I love to see running on macosx. gtk is ported to classic and needs to be carbonized to run on osx. check out


No. To port X windows apps you need to run an X server. Once you have that you can run GTK apps.

There is NO POINT to porting GTK to Quartz.

Also GIMP sucks. Only a masochist would run GIMP on OS X when he has a ton of better Carbon apps which do the job better and have UI uniformity with other mac apps.
Yes, you need a x server for run x apps that is ported to darwin. GTK is ported to darwin. But if you got gtk running on macosx/quartz you could get the x apps to run on os x to, no need for a crapy x server.
Ok kids, settle down, or I\'m gonna start pimp-slappin yas.

Did anyone actually READ Slimshady\'s last post? Try the
There are icons, a stoopid-futuristic font, and as mentioned, an OS X trash can.
A dead giveaway that this is not Unix: The APPLE MENU :)

looks just like a nifty K-scheme afterall!

...Damn. Just when I was getting used to X....
Oh, by the way; the reason I wasn\'t sure if that scheme was an OS X overlay or just a K-scheme, is that in a recent episode Logan entered something that caused a menu or a dialog box to roll out from one of the windows, OS X style. Has someone ported Kaleidoscope to X?

Why is Apple being so retentive about schemes for OS x.. I can understand why schemes mimicing their hard work and graphics in producing X, but they have to ealize that unless they put some kind of neat new customization feature into OS X (like Kaleidoscope) people are going to do it on their own anyway. Why not be more user-friendly? :)
Originally posted by Agnt_Mulder
Oh, by the way; the reason I wasn\\\'t sure if that scheme was an OS X overlay or just a K-scheme, is that in a recent episode Logan entered something that caused a menu or a dialog box to roll out from one of the windows, OS X style. Has someone ported Kaleidoscope to X?

Why is Apple being so retentive about schemes for OS x.. I can understand why schemes mimicing their hard work and graphics in producing X, but they have to ealize that unless they put some kind of neat new customization feature into OS X (like Kaleidoscope) people are going to do it on their own anyway. Why not be more user-friendly? :)

Maybe logan is using a beta of the beta LOL :-p

I dont know why apple seems so stuck up, but I do have a theory. Apple put A LOT of effort and a lot of advertising and time into this Aqua thing..the Aqua look, the Aqua feel, The Aqua this and the Aqia that. My guess is that apple wants to see it\'s \"child\" (or Jobs whats to see its child) Aqua take off as ne Next big thing in interface and make Aqua as well known as the System 7 and Windows 95 stylke type of windows that you see left and right. If OS X were out with a platinum appearance I am sure that apploe would not hesitate one bit to make a good appearance manager because the \"look\" of the mac has been so well establshed over the past 20 years so that even people DID change their UI appearance people would still know that undeneath all the extravagant looks there still lurks and little smiley mac underneath it.

With OS X though its different. OS X is a new animal. It IS a mac OS but it diverges from what the mac OS looked like for the past 20 years, so appearance might not make its way to OS X by way of apple for a long time, until OS X is established as THE macOS. I am sure that kaleidoscope will be ported and that schemes will be converted or made better. Personally I will use the Aqua theme until I get sick of it and then change lol :-p (Just like I did with the platinum theme :-p)

Junior Member
Registered: Dec 2000

hi forum
I played around with my extras.rscr a bit
Let me see..what did I do...
-Changed the shade of the title/toolbar buttons
-Changed the menu bar highlight color
-Changed the color of progressbars and indeterminate progressbars
-Changed the colors of the titlebar when window inactive
-replaced the blue Apple with a smiley face
The rest (widgets and stuff) are still Aqua blue
I call the theme : \\\'ThinkPink\\\'
It\\\'s not a big woop but fun nevertheless.(its complete, all UI elements show up)
If anybodys interested i\\\'ll send it to you
You can see it at:
my email : ...can not use my
You know, you actually may not be far off in you crack about Logan's OS being a Beta of a Beta. :) It has the same trash can as X, but the Apple menu from 9--but it also has roll-outs like OS X (the little dialog windows that slide down from windows). Sorry to keep dragging through the subject... I'm a little obsessed with interface design lately.

I agree with the comment about Apple trying to replace their ubiquitous logo with the entire look of Aqua as the thing that identifys Apple. Although, I hear that the release of X may include themes, even if they are as superficial as the differences between the appearence of Blue and Graphite.

Oh well, I guess we'll only ever really know in two or three or EIGHT months when X is actually released... LOL. I wish Apple would let things leak like they used to :)
