Themes, revisited...


OS X Supreme Being
It's been awhile since anybody has brought this up, anybody themeing OS X now?

I abadoned themes back when 10.2 came, but lately, I've been back to using Rhapsodized by Max Rudberg, which is a bit like Rhapsody and OS 9 platinum.

The new Duality 4 seems to be much more reliable than the old version, and I've yet to hose my system (which I did a couple of times in the 10.1 days)...

So, are you using themes, and if so - which ones?
Using Classic Platinium with Theme Changer :)
Gives the professional feeling back to OS X :p
I mainly use metalizifier to remove the brushed metal look (because I dont like to heve different 'themes at a time'). Used to love the mylk theme, but abandoned it because buttons became invisible on iPhoto, Safari and others...
I too am using Rhapsodized, but with ThemeChanger. I haven't tried Duality in quite a while. I became terrified of it when I ruined my system trying to switch themes (though it was more than likely my own fault, if I remember right). Is it out of beta yet?
I'd really like to see Apple sanction a bit more variety with regard to the GUI. Not neccessarily implement themes, per se - but definitely make some variations of Aqua available. For instance, provide a pinstripe less version, a darker version for people who need a color neutral GUI, and a system wide brushed metal appearance.

I understand Apple's desire to control the GUI, since it is part of the OS X "brand", but giving users slight variations on the Aqua GUI wouldn't really undermine the branding of it. Besides, Apple seems to be doing a pretty good job of confusing it's customers with the rampant use of Brushed Metallic in almost half of it's apps now, with no real logic behind it.
If you're using themes, I strongly suggest removing them before ANY system update. Apple is now constantly updating Brushed Metal, which newer themes theme, too. You're risking not getting those updates, because the system update doesn't replace the theme files. And you risk breaking Brushed Metal apps this way. The only way of getting the 'real' thing back after a mishap-update with themes is reinstalling 10.2.x from scratch afaik, which - of course - is a bad thing.

Simple: Just switch back to Aqua before updating. Then carefully read the theme's developer site about compatibility before installing the theme again. Max is doing a good job. Usually, if changes are needed, he's putting a new version out within days.
Yeah, that article is over 2 years old, but shows how litiguous Apple was with regard to themes.

I believe Apple let those concerns die on the vine, because now there are several Theme creation tools, and I haven't heard of any of the authors being harrassed by Apples legal team.
thanks, ksv :)

Well, I downloaded an installed IcePower, but it doesn't make my windows look like they do in the preview.

You can see my attached picture ....

I think it might be because I have 10.2.3 instead of 10.2.5, am I right?


  • theme.jpg
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If you're usiing Duality what version are you running? I'm running 3.1 and just switched to Slick Orange. Ohhh la la. :)
Originally posted by twister
If you're usiing Duality what version are you running? I'm running 3.1 and just switched to Slick Orange. Ohhh la la. :)

The newest version, I'm pretty sure it's 4.something

Also, I installed SS Power last night and the funky title bars work in it, so I don't know what's goin on...

Oh well.
I'm using beautiful, delicious, aqua. I used to use smoothstrypes or rhapsodized with Duality 3.0, and then 4.01 GM, but i'm sticking to aqua, which apple spent so much time making, practically the reason why X is so much different, beside the fact that it uses unix.
smoothstripes is like aqua without the headache and distractions. the newest version implements a crisp, glassy feel and i can't switch back to aqua without going insane now ^_^. i love my smoothstripes theme!
Apple actually ripped the Aqua shading style off of an old Kaleidoscope scheme.

It wasn't a very good scheme, IIRC. :)

SmoothStripes Glossy rocks my world, but it's a lil' too shiney for me to use regularly. Nice and clean though.
hmmm i like watercolor blue... unfortunately it makes the metal solid blue... any ideas on how to change that?

i want more themes! ;)