There is only ONE Reason to buy a Macintosh

tumbleguts said:
> For ease of use.
> Better designed product (style) / quality hardware.
> The Mac OS. (The look and feel of the Mac).
> The superior computer (This has ALWAYS been debatable).
> Faith in a company that makes BOTH the hardware and the software.
> The more user-friendly and more reliable operating system.
> Personal choice - "think different".
> Because I'm not technical and I want something that WORKS!
> The more innovative product that lasts longer (better value for money).
> ...(Plus many, many more responses).

and more.

These are some of the [excellence in computing] components that give us the one reason to prefer a Mac - vast superority over the PC "industry standard."

It's not just the system. It's vastly superior hardware. At work I have to use Dell Pee Cee's. A few years ago I ordered 9 of Dell's pride and joy, the C 840. Five were dead upon arrival. The rest had serious problems. Recently I ordered about 10 of Dell's finest laptops - The D800 (or whatever). Two were dead on arrival, the rest had dead components or problems serious enough to call in the Dell Dude. Hard core PC users consider this to be "business as usual." They're quite contented to deal with crap. Why? Because they were raised on crap - all the way back to their pride and joy - the PC Junior.

I respectfully have one more point to make, but have to start a new thread, now that this message thread is re-oriented to a discussion of the Altivec computer (whatever that is).

nixgeek said:
As shocked I was by this as you are, remember one thing. Only the CPU is changing. The CPU changed from 68000 series CPUs to PowerPC CPUs back in the mid 90s, but it was all still Apple. Atari and Amiga also had 68000 series processors under their hoods, but did that allow them to be like the Mac?? Heck no.

So the CPU has changed...big deal, I'm over it. Apple will have the final say as to how it will all be integrated, and it will STILL be better than any other PC using the same we will be looking at some interesting hardware coming down the pike.
Yeah Amiga actually put the Mac to shame and only one year after 1984.
Adonsa said:
A few years ago I ordered 9 of Dell's pride and joy, the C 840. Five were dead upon arrival. The rest had serious problems. Recently I ordered about 10 of Dell's finest laptops - The D800 (or whatever). Two were dead on arrival, the rest had dead components or problems serious enough to call in the Dell Dude.

So, what was it the was broken. I don't think (could be wrong) that it is the cpu. Yeah, Dell and others cut corners and fashion shoddy work. But Apple stlii has control of the whole production process.

I don't see where the intel chip is at fault for this.
people sure are upset over this change. personally, I think software is more important than hardware. I came for OSX.
Adonsa said:
Is the current (Macs being sold today) G-5 series our last chance to get a non-Intel Mac?

Steve said there are some great new PPC computers yet to be released, so no that's not the last of the PPC Macs. The high end machines are probably going to be the last ones to be switched over.
Hey look at it like this. when the new computers are officially released it could be a better alternative for the average consumer to buy a computer with both operating systems rather than just one. after all Apple is supposed to be a hardware company right?

So they can now acctually really compete with the big players like HP and Dell, etc and sell the hardware with windows in it for the people who want windows in it. But also have Mac os x pre installed in order to allow a better switch and a little exploration for those curious people who don't have that much of a curious wallet.

Now that would be a hot seller.
I don't care which processor is inside, as long as I can get a better performance out of my mac... should I burn in hell for this?? ;)
Quicksilver said:
Hey look at it like this. when the new computers are officially released it could be a better alternative for the average consumer to buy a computer with both operating systems rather than just one. after all Apple is supposed to be a hardware company right?

So they can now acctually really compete with the big players like HP and Dell, etc and sell the hardware with windows in it for the people who want windows in it. But also have Mac os x pre installed in order to allow a better switch and a little exploration for those curious people who don't have that much of a curious wallet.

Now that would be a hot seller.
I can tell you right now that is NOT going to happen. Companies like Dell and HP have agreements with Microsoft that new PCs sold must have an OS installed on it. Back when BeOS was still alive, they struggled painfully to get companies to ship PCs with BeOS pre-installed. Microsoft put a stop to it very easily. They simply said: "you sell only Windows PCs or we'll shut you out."

Dell did get ballsy once and offered "white box" PCs, meaning they sold systems with no hard drive, or no OS pre-installed on the hard drive.

We still don't know the technical nature of the new Intel based Macs, but just judging but the current business politics (I hate that term) of Apple and Microsoft, we're not going to see both operating systems on the same computer, at least not sold in retail.
You can order some Dells today without an OS installed, and they have several models that are "preinstalled with Linux." They don't really save anything off the price, though, and they tend to be hidden away on the site in the small business side of the things.

I've got a PowerEdge 400SC here that came without an OS, for example. I bought it last year.
:mad: What about all the glorious hype about the PowerPC g5 chip w/ the 64 bit architecture and Altivek etc, etc,? What a load! I should have just stuck with a $379 Dell (includes 17" LCD) and saved $3500 (G5 2.0 and 23"LCD)!!! This reminds of when I bought my first Mac in '95 ($4000 Powermac 7500/100!) I was promised "phone support for life" which Apple promptly dropped in 96 or '97. Such BS- really unbelievable. I hope Steve Jobs sleeps well (and loses his a$$ behind this).
metro10 you're right!

your G5 is a pile of sh*t!!! grrrr @ apple!!! that dell would have been miles and miles and miles better than a poxy G5!!!

and that 23" lcd?!?!?!?!

what were apple thinking! drop kick that pile of trash into next tuesday!

i'm coming round to your argument actually metro10

i'm going to sell my G4 powerbook - i mean c'mon!!! - no G5!??! SCREW THAT!

one of those great dells you see advertised on the back of tv guides MUST be better because its SO much cheaper!

and my ipod - rubbish!!! - iriver for me!

itunes music store?!?! who's bloody idea was that?!?!!? i'll take napster!

and who actually uses iLife?!?! what overpriced crap!

superior OS?!?!? my arse! windows xp sp2 patch heaven is the way forward!
I wish I could play for everyone the slick and glowing promo movie installed on all "display" G5s in stores last year. Was not "the heart and soul" of the new G5 the IBM Power PC chip? 64 bit architecture, Altivek, etc, etc, etc,. Steve and the Cupertino gang have pulled off one the biggest ripp-offs in history. For all of you that have made a career out of apologizing for Apple and Jobs- open up a lemonade stand!
Ok, well I think this thread has died.
I think the plural is misplaced. Sarcasm is hardly mastered by an idiot.

Metro - when you throw it out, let me know where, I can send someone by to haul it away for you.
Btw.: While we're all agitated and angry, we should not forget about the board rules. Calling people idiots is not really, well, productive to say the least.
I wish I could play for everyone the slick and glowing promo movie installed on all "display" G5s in stores last year. Was not "the heart and soul" of the new G5 the IBM Power PC chip? 64 bit architecture, Altivek, etc, etc, etc,.

that doesn't make sense. a G5 is a type of processor. the G5 IS a 64bit PowerPC CPU from IBM.

yes. the G5 was apple's "biggest and baddest".

IT STILL IS. the first Intel/Mac isn't released for another year. it'll be 2007 before the whole product line changes over.

that doesn't change how kick-ass the G5 is. i challenge you to buy one, compare it to a simmilar "Wintel" box and tell me it doesn't kick ass?
metro10 said:
:mad: What about all the glorious hype about the PowerPC g5 chip w/ the 64 bit architecture and Altivek etc, etc,? What a load! I should have just stuck with a $379 Dell (includes 17" LCD) and saved $3500 (G5 2.0 and 23"LCD)!!! This reminds of when I bought my first Mac in '95 ($4000 Powermac 7500/100!) I was promised "phone support for life" which Apple promptly dropped in 96 or '97. Such BS- really unbelievable. I hope Steve Jobs sleeps well (and loses his a$$ behind this).

Tell you what, I'll give you $1137 for your Apple set up and then you can buy three sets of that Dell wonder.

parb.johal@ante and metro10, sorry I called you both idiots. :-) Name-calling is not part of my beliefs and I have done wrong, please forgive me.

I just want Apple to start clarifying stuff about the nature of future machines, infighting with the fans and hesitation by potential buyers isn't good.

The raised emotions really *prove* how much all of us care about our platform, I hope Apple respect that trust and don't betray it, but we are talking about a company.