There are a few things I have found kinds of anoying that Apple didn't include in OS X, and that I haven't seen anywhere else in these message boards, so if you could ask Apple for them, that'd be swell.
1) Smart Scrollers. They gave 'em to us. Got us used to them, and took them away! How could they!??
2) Contextual dock. I wanna be able to drag FOLDERS to the dock, and THEN, drag items INTO the folders. That'd be cool, wouldn't it?
3) An email server that supports newsgroups. Oops.
4) An email server that supports multiple email accounts owned by one user. For instance, I have an Earthlink account AND a Boston University account. I want to be able to SEND an email from either of those accounts without logging out of the finder completely!
5) Spring loaded folders. Okay, they've talked about that one already, but it is still a must-have!
6) Apple needs to bring the focus back to the desktop. The sneaky devils some how managed to get us to forget about the desktop as a handy "throw anything here" feature. Well, they can take my life, BUT THEY CAN'T TAKE MY FREEDOM! Have an icon of Macintosh HD on the desktop, for the love of Pete. We've delt with it since the beginning of the Mac OS... it is what makes us Mac users! Bring it back!
7) Okay, what the dilly yo? What happened to Themes and other desktop customization things. Suuure, I can change my desktop pattern and stuff, but there are no sounds, etc.
8) How 'bout giving ALL beta testers who submit over 10 VALID feature requests a FREE copy of the Final Version. I mean, I'll pay for the 10¢ CD and the shipping... I'll even pay for the time it takes to burn the code. Charge me $10. But we spent a lot of time messing up OUR systems to make the new OS better. Okay ?
9) Tell them to give the nice, poor college student (namely, me) his money back for paying for a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW iBook Graphite just WEEKS before releasing the NEW iBooks for the same friggin' price!
Yeah, so that's all. Does anyone know Steve Jobs' email address?
1) Smart Scrollers. They gave 'em to us. Got us used to them, and took them away! How could they!??
2) Contextual dock. I wanna be able to drag FOLDERS to the dock, and THEN, drag items INTO the folders. That'd be cool, wouldn't it?
3) An email server that supports newsgroups. Oops.
4) An email server that supports multiple email accounts owned by one user. For instance, I have an Earthlink account AND a Boston University account. I want to be able to SEND an email from either of those accounts without logging out of the finder completely!
5) Spring loaded folders. Okay, they've talked about that one already, but it is still a must-have!
6) Apple needs to bring the focus back to the desktop. The sneaky devils some how managed to get us to forget about the desktop as a handy "throw anything here" feature. Well, they can take my life, BUT THEY CAN'T TAKE MY FREEDOM! Have an icon of Macintosh HD on the desktop, for the love of Pete. We've delt with it since the beginning of the Mac OS... it is what makes us Mac users! Bring it back!
7) Okay, what the dilly yo? What happened to Themes and other desktop customization things. Suuure, I can change my desktop pattern and stuff, but there are no sounds, etc.
8) How 'bout giving ALL beta testers who submit over 10 VALID feature requests a FREE copy of the Final Version. I mean, I'll pay for the 10¢ CD and the shipping... I'll even pay for the time it takes to burn the code. Charge me $10. But we spent a lot of time messing up OUR systems to make the new OS better. Okay ?
9) Tell them to give the nice, poor college student (namely, me) his money back for paying for a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW iBook Graphite just WEEKS before releasing the NEW iBooks for the same friggin' price!
Yeah, so that's all. Does anyone know Steve Jobs' email address?