Let's have an update shall we...
My hardware got here on Thursday, but my wife forgot to tell me. No big deal, the service wasn't ready yet. So on Friday night I got an email saying my service was ready, which was a surprise since they had until 6:00PM this Tuesday to actually hook it up.
I started to get everything set up, but then stoped short as it was late and I wanted to get the router in the mix from the get go.
So Saturday morning rolls around and I figured, what the heck, the family was sleeping and I had some time. So I hooked everything up and finished the install. Sadly, I kept getting disconnected.
I called Verizon Tech Support and talked to Mike in Texas for 1h6mins early on Saturday. He was super helpful and extrememly forth coming with information. So much so that he saved me $50 right then and there. While we weren't having any luck getting it connected (he could tell it was a prob with my account not authorizing on their end) I mentioned that I was heading out to get a router for DHCP addressing. He mentioned that they sell a specific router that they support...it was different that the one I was thinking about. But then, as an aside, he mentioned that the modem itself has a function to act as a DHCP router, but that this feature is turned off normally.
Well hey, I thought, I already have a 5-port switch...so I asked him if that would work for me for what I wanted to do. He said sure it would and asked if I had the time to walk through the setup with him. In the end the modem is acting as the DHCP addressing device so I don't have to use my Mac and run into problems with other people logging in and out and cutting other people on the netowrk off.
But the DSL still would not come up. He figured it had something to do with the service not activating my account because it was so much earlier than they had planned on. He asked if I would be patient and try again in 24 hours...no prob after the amount of help he had already offered.
So Sunday I got up, unhooked th cable modem, hooked up the DSL and was blessed with downloads over 3 x's faster and uploads at least 2 x's faster. DSL is so much better (so far) in my neck of the woods than cable. And on top of everything it's cheaper month to month.
It's great. Right now I have my system on, and my other system in my brothers apt across the hall (usually running OS 9.2) on. We (my wife, daughter and I) live above a coffee shop that my wife and her mother own--and my wife's and mines portrait and design studio is in the back. They sometimes use this space as an office. I have a Umax J700 running OS 9.1 in there as of this past Friday. Tonight I am going to bring that system up stairs and make sure it is just as easy to get it hooked up. If I have luck I will put it back in the studio and run about 200 feet of Cat5 back to them (anyone know how far you can take Cat5 before you loose signal?). They want to use this system for their books, but I have denied this request until I can get it networked for the sole reason that they need to have a backup of some kind. My other system (the one in my bros apt) will become the community backup system.
If this all goes as well I might run a line down to my father-in-laws antique shop and try to get his Win98 box (can't win them all) hooked in.
Anyway, I just wanted to post this as a way of saying thanks to everyone for helping me with this. In the end, if I get everyone hooked in, I'll post about that experience as well.
Thanks again to everyone,
And yes, tonight I will be calling Verizon Tech Support, asking for Mike's supervisor, and letting him know that at least one member of his staff understands the term customer service. He was a real pro.