This is taking peripherals too far...

well, maybe she needs one to cool her off after getting excited about her Mac. :p
I guess you haven't encountered Hubzilla yet (a four port firewire hub that is a dinosaur with glowing eyes). Or the Hello-Kitty USB hub that waves its paws and meows to indicate activity.

Lets keep the wacky peripherals coming, folks!

:p :D
Yeah that is pretty lame.
Although it can get pretty hot taking the SF Muni busses, but then again, I would never whip out my powerbook on a bus!
I sat next to someone who decided to urinate right then and there while sitting on his seat!
Gotta love public transportation...
At the risk of sounding lame, is there really a hello kitty usb hub?

My girlfriend would loooooooooooooove that. Please say it's true, I'll be set this Christmas!
THey are trying to get themselves voted into the "Stupidest Invention for Mac of ALL TIME award".
That kitty is the dumbest thing I ever saw. Now, this Hubzilla, where can I get one of those...?
I found it on Apple's web site under new equipment , I think. It is cute. I'm afraid my grandson will think it is a toy for him to play with.