This last episode with the pregnancy........

Wow, I didn't even notice the color coding. Actually, the reminds me of the one interesting thing they took notice to do: after Kirk, supposedly Starfleet instituted the common-sense "don't send the Captain down there" policy. Since this is Pre-Common Sense period, they keep sending the captain down. It bothers the heck out of me, but at least it's consistent.
They were explorers...(with balls :p) so I guess having the captain go down wasnt so bad ;) I am sure if warf was a captin he would head the missions himself ;)
Originally posted by apb3
... I don't think the Brits have an Enterprise in service now, do they?

I don't know. I didn't follow their Naval history that closely (I was actually doing research for a model of the Constitution when I got very involved in our early Naval history). I know that they still have the HMS Victory (though it is not in as good a shape as the USS Constitution is, which is still concidered active), the HMS Enterprise is the only one I seem to remember seeing, but I also don't think they like to give ships the same names (the only example I could find was HMS Ark Royal I & II, but I would have thought that they would have a new HMS Hood by this point in time).

As for following the original series closely, I would have thought that Archer would be the first to get pregnant (I know that it would have been Kirk if this had been the original crew). Maybe this was to re-enforce the need for safe space-sex.

I also like the idea that the time travel guy has changed history for this period (2150's), but now we have to wonder if anyone from the old time line is even going to be born. Quite an interesting dynamic.
Space sex eh ???
Gimme a vulcan and I am happy :p
Klingons are too violent.... dont wanna break (or get anything cut off :p)
Romulans...too suspicious...
Ferenghi....lets just say they age baddly
eh... I guess human as a last resort lol.

As for the time thing, I think that most of the characters will be born. (we cant have a star trek w/o Captain james T kirk lol)

I always thought Romulan chicks were hot. With there little bob hair cuts and pouty faces...

Also, the HOTTEST alien was the one girl that molded herself to be for whoever she was with when she reached her final stage. It was in TNG...mmmmmmmmmm
Originally posted by apb3
I always thought Romulan chicks were hot. With there little bob hair cuts and pouty faces...

Sorta like Angelina Jolie looked in "Hackers"?

And did anyone notice that it was always the small guys (Quark and Neelix) that ended up with the Klingon Women (and then in sick bay :D ). That would be a bit much for me... not into bleeding.
Neelix ended up with a Klingon? I suppose I really ought to have watched that show. That's actually kind of amusing, though. As the Star Trek universe has progressed, Klingons have been made more and more relatable. Now all of the sudden, they're gonna be our enemy. They're the species you love to hate...or hate to wait, hate to hate. That's it.
Yeah, Voyager came across an old Klingon ship that had left the beta quadrant generations earlier on some religious quest. One of the females had her eye on Harry, but Neelix challenged him and won her affections (though I'm not sure I would call what she did to him affectionate).

The thing about Klingons is that they don't try to work with others, everyone else has to go out of their way to work with them (sorta selfish if you ask me).
Klingons would be ideal for sadomasochist earthlings :p
Think about it... no need for "help" with whips or whatnots, all you need you quick wits ... like a good mach of sparing :p

When did quark end up with a klingon though ???

Remember when wesley crusher ended up with that morphing chick ? :p he he

I still stand by my Vulcan chick thing... I would change my mind only for Jadzia Dax, or the girl that took over after Jadzia died ;-)

I'd like to see the next Trek spinoff to be made from the Klingon's point of view. I'd like to see Paramount try and pull something like that off. It would be action packed since Klingons mean business, but it would also show us more in depth about how Klingons relate to eachother and the rivalries between the different houses.
I wanna know about worf and the house of kayless :p he he :)
I wanna see more action, this romulan war thing is interesting.

Furthermore I would like to know what the heck happened to all the species we saw in the original the andorians :p

The Andorian will be seen inthe next episode of Enterprise. Why they haven't made a comeback in TNG, DS9 or Voyager I don't know unless I missed an episode.
I know they are coming back :p
Thats why the question poped in my head :p

I saw the preview
Andorian to T'Pol : " I will enjoy having you! ... as my prisoner" lol :p
Don't worry, you didn't miss an episode, or at least one with the Andorians in it. The ad even says it's the first time since the original series for them to be in it.

I couldn't remember anything about the Andorians, so I looked up the word "Andorian" on Google. If you want to see what it means to have no life, check out this site. Actually, it's a pretty interesting read, and there's a link to the Lost Races of Star Trek Original Series.

One weird thing is that the Andorians are the first on the list. Anyone want to bet that the writers for Enterprise found this site, and are just going to work their way through the list? Actually, that wouldn't work completely, since some of the species on the list were new encounters at the time. Still, I want to see the Gorn again. I bet they could come up with a bit more lifelike outfit now.
I think there may be more of the same alien races we've already seen, unless of course may of those have been contacted in times after Enterprise, but I figure the worlds which make up the major core of the Federation may be those that this show may come in contact with.
Didn't I bring up the Andorians over a week ago (before any of us knew they were going to be in this next episode)? They had to be brought into the story line at this point because the Human, Vulcan, Andorian and Tellarite home worlds are the foundation of the United Federation of Planets. Am I the only one who was expecting this? And when we see Tellarites later on, what are you guys going to say? At least this part of the history seems to be following what has been set down over the years (even if the Klingon part is not).

As for seeing Andorians in Star Trek, you see a couple in ST:IV (on the Federation Council), and as one of Data's choices for the look of his daughter (though he ended up giving her the look of a human female).
wow :eek: !!!
You remember all that :eek: ???

I must be enough of a trekkie to remember such fine details :( *sigh* (lol :P)
You now since we've always had to witness alien contact from the Federation side, we may see episodes that involve contact with species from the Klingons perspective or even Vulcan since they've been traveling in space far longer than Humans have. Races that Kirk may have contacted for the first time may have had dealings with the Klingons. Certainly the cooperation turned hostility between the Klingon and Romulan Empires might be played out in this series, unless the timeframe doesn't allow for it.
Lets us pray we don't ever see the fat clown spirit from...Triakis? Long time fans will know who I mean.
Do you remember the judge that tried Kirk, Spock and McCoy (I think) in an original episode? I was just reminded of him from the previous post and from my earlier comment re: the time traveller in Enterprise possibly being a/The Q... Was that judge a Q? I can't remember. I know that he wasn't a Q technically in terms of the original series as he/they didn't come around until tng. But anyway, thought it was cool.