Thought you guys might like a sneak peek...

MUG 2.0.1 is coming out reeeeal soon -- the current build only needs some minor interface tweaks (because the text has gotten out of alignment somehow).

But MUG 2.0.1 boasts some really nice features and bug fixes:

• Doesn't hog CPU like a pig anymore, when idle. With that said, it DOES hog CPU like a pig when refreshing, but that should only be 15 seconds of your time. :) I can't really fix this any better.

• You can now control exactly what goes into the "Other User Processes" tab. You can use the defaults in 2.0, or you can use your user-defined values, or you can use both, or you can use neither. The user is in complete control. :) And these are preferences that are saved! What's even more cool is that if your preferences get corrupted somehow and AppleScript can read them, MUG will automatically replace them with the defaults, so you won't get any annoying errors.

• A refreshing/displaying notification message. This lets you know if MUG is still taking its sweet time refreshing or displaying memory usage, so you will know exactly if it's done or not and don't have to guess.

:) Oh, and personalized builds will be created for everyone who registers starting with 2.0.1 (2.0 needed some bug fixes before personalized builds). So pay that $5 (or you'll have a poor, mad college student after you! ;) ).
Hmm, is it better or worse to have a poor, mad college student or rich, mad college student after you? :confused:

Get cracking simX! :D
hey simX... dl'ed Mug 2.0.1 today... nice job! this is really cool.

very cool indeed... glad to see you rounded the numbers.

features to think about (I have no idea whether these are possible)

1. Clicking the app name switches to that app.
2. Ability to Force Quit apps from within MUG
3. Ability to run on top and in a condensed view using icons
4. And with number 3 above ...Transparency of condensed view.
Thanks rinse. I'm glad you like it.

Unless there are any show-stopping bugs, I'm gonna take a break from developing Memory Usage Getter for a while (it's been taking up a lot of my life lately, and I need to claim it back :) ). But don't worry, I have a lot of features in mind, in addition to the ones you just gave me, and MUG will be updated when I get the chance to develop it some more (I'll probably do some programming over Spring break in 2 weeks).

Also I'd like to mention that if you're a registered user of Memory Usage Getter, you will get a registered copy of ALL future versions of Memory Usage Getter, free of charge. This is because I know some of you may be averse to paying even $5 for something like this. And if I ever do stop developing and supporting MUG, I'll at least release a freeware version that has no dialogs (but don't expect that to happen anytime soon :) ).

I'd love more feedback, if anyone wants to give it. :D
Suggestion: Reduce launch time. It just sits there with the spinning raindow for a while at launch...
ksuther: That's because it's "refreshing" the memory usage. I guess I could have it display the window and then refresh, but that would look weird. Maybe I can just put a dialog or something... I'll check it out.

On another note, MUG 2.0.1 got mentioned on 6 (7 including :) ) websites today!! I'm so happy about that. It was on (late last night), (yay!),,,, and That's so cool, if I may say so myself! :) All for a tiny little AppleScript Studio application.

I just have to say thanks to Apple for making AppleScript Studio! (Now bundle it with all new Macs. ;) )
When I released my STUPID dockling Dockprefs same thing happened :p
Applelinks probably mentioned it too :)
Here are some suggestions simX, for whenever you decide to starting working on this again or something :p

Change the preferences hotkey to cmd-;, which is more standard.
Enable the red close widget and use (BOOL)applicationShouldTerminateWhenLastWindowWindowClosed or whatever that big long function name it is. Or don't :) It's just my preference...
Why does the scale show 0MB to 64MB when I have 256 MB installed?

Is there something quirky about this being an old 9500?
TommyWillB: No, that's not a bug. It makes the progress bars more relevant.

I have something like 896 MB of RAM, so since a lot of applications only take up a few megabytes, the progress bars would be rendered all but useless.

To compensate for this, MUG examines the memory usage of the process that is taking up the most amount of RAM. Let's say in your case that's OmniWeb that's taking up 50 MB of RAM, and your max is 256 MB. So MUG notices that 50 MB of RAM is less than half of 256 MB, so it makes the top of the progress bars represent only half your amount of RAM instead of your total amount of RAM, which is 128 MB. But then it examines this again, and it notices that 50 MB is still less than half of 128 MB. So MUG makes the top of the progress bars to now represent one half of one half of your total memory, or one fourth of your total memory, which is 64 MB.

It actually does this check one more time, but in your case, it finds that 50 MB is greater than half of 64 MB, so it leaves it alone. In my case, I have 896 MB of RAM, but my processes almost always use less than 100 MB of RAM, so the top of my progress bars almost always represent 112 MB, which is 1/8 of my total RAM.
