Thunderbird 0.8


Hey is is possible to get thunderbird 0.8 to work with hotmail? its such a nice app but I cant get it to work with hotmail :(

Nope. Hotmail uses a proprietary HTTPMail protocol. There is an open source project that is working to reverse engineer the protocol so that alternative software can be created to interact with Hotmail. Not sure where it stands on their priorities though.
Guess who makes Entourage ;)

To my knowledge, no there is no plug-in to to access Hotmail accounts. Feel free to do research though. I apologize for my seemingly lack of interest, I've never had a Hotmail account and I've been using Windows for 7+ years.
httpmail works with to connect to hotmail, it works pretty good.

ok i found MrPostman its a java app that makes any email client work with hotmail but you have to launch it every time you want to use thunderbird, launching takes ages and it has an ugly interface with it :( and then you can use thunderbird with hotmail. But that makes it all really pointless as it takes age and is ugly. So im looking for a plugin like httpmail (for thunderbird) which is a plugin you just install once then hotmail works forever :)

just curious if you use windows howcome you are at a mac forum?
If Microsoft doesn't use proprietary standards and protocols how can they possibly drive any potential competition out of the market? ::evil::
perfessor101 said:
If Microsoft doesn't use proprietary standards and protocols how can they possibly drive any potential competition out of the market? ::evil::

I hope that was meant to be facetious... :D

When you've got seventy-five trillion dollars, standards mean shizzo. You can define your own standards with that amount of money.
Like I said, they've already reversed engineer the Hotmail protocol, the info is out there, all it takes is someone to make the plugin. SSL is required for the Hotmail protocol, so I wonder if Thunderbird has SSL support yet. If it doesn't, that might be an attribute to why there's no plugin yet. But if there is SSL support, then they better get crackin' LOL.

BTW, I bought an iMac and an iBook about a year ago, sold them, took a little break, now I'm back again with a new/better iBook than before.