Tiger and Office 04


hey all,

I've already purchased Tiger, but I have tons of work right now, so I don't want to risk to ruin my Office, that's why I haven't installed it yet. does any of you folks have experience with Tiger and Office 04 working together?
I would really appreciate any help
I have not had any problems, all I have used so far is M$ word though. I have not heard of any one experiencing any trouble at this point.
no problems here, although i don't use office extensively... occasional excel sheet, opening word files, works fine.
I haven't had any problems so far. Word, Excel and Powerpoint work fine as far as I can tell. I don't use MSN Messenger or Entourage, so I can't say if there are any problems with those apps.
did anybody read about the article where MS Office 2003 runs faster in certain processes over VPC than MS Office 2004 for mac? I can't find it anymore, but maybe someone remembers.
*excusing for getting off-topic*

Found it! It's from 04/25/05 on www.xlr8yourmac.com.
... Just wanted to share a really interesting and weird tidbit about VPC 7.01 and Office 2004 for Macintosh.

I have a 30+MB Excel spreadsheet that I have developed with many cells and calculations (over 450M formula cells). The worksheet was developed in Office 2004 Excel, the current version (11.1.1)
Since recalculating this spreadsheet takes time, I've taken to turning off the automatic calculation and just doing it when I needed/wanted to. I also use VPC a lot for work (running Outlook and such).

For kicks, I thought I would time the recalculation under Mac OS X versus VPC using Office 2003 and XP Pro.

Well, guess what? The exact same worksheet copied over the VPC took 50 seconds to recalculate whereas using the Macintosh Office 2004 Excel took 102 seconds (104% longer) with no other Mac programs running and 113 seconds (126%) with a full complement of normal Mac programs!!!!!! Huh? What could the reason for that?

Any XLR8yourMac users have a clue? Both Excels were configured the same (add-ins, etc.), VPC was paused when running the recalculate on the Macintosh side.
This makes me freak! What could be the root cause other than a plan by Microsoft to cripple any Macintosh running their software. ...
MS office is unreasonably slow, it even has weird problems redrawing when i scroll on both my G5 and iBook.

I haven't had any problems with 04 and tiger, I made an ASR image of my iBook before I put tiger on it incase I wanted to go back to Panther. I also used that image to restore my files and applications. All I did was drag and drop the MS office folder from the Image to my iBook, then restored my user preferences in Library/Preferences and finally restored Microsoft user data to ~/Documents.

You could of course do an archive & install instead of a clean install like me, but either way you should definitely back up your documents.
No problems here. I've even finally dumped Entourage for Mail 2, Address Book and iCal, and don't regret it at all. Much faster working in fact.
balaazs said:
wow, thanks for the tons of help, folks. i guess i will insert the tiger dvd now :)

For just in case, I hope you have a clone of your internal on a firewire external or a disk image of your internal on an external or another networked computer. Be sure and uninstall Virex if you are running it; Tiger and Virex are incompatible. The Virex uninstaller is available on McAfee's website.
On top of that, I'd suggest to simply check _ALL_ the software you're using for updates before upgrading to Tiger. Use the apps' own software update mechanisms (if they do have such a thing) or use versiontracker.com or macupdate.com to quickly find all the updates. Then you can update them shortly before upgrading to Tiger. Or just download the updaters and update the apps right after the Tiger upgrade's done.
it really stuns me that mac users help each other like this. big up.

i certainly do not have problems like that, because i only use a couple of appz on my iBook, like office, messenger and mplayer, because i bought the whole computer just a few weeks or a month ago. it took me about six hours to get used to the system, but i still only use it just for writing articles and watching videos, and stuff.
i'm not too happy that messenger won't work with tiger, but whatever. i still have my old pc to keep in touch with friends 'til an update arrives.

btw.. how can i back up my whole computer? :confused:
has anyone had any luck using Office X rather than Office 2004?

i happen to have Office X myself and was hoping it would work when i get my new iMac w/ 10.4 :cool:
As I said in another thread, at my MUG (Macintosh User Group), many users with Office X+Tiger had MANY problems. Office 2004+Tiger, almost no problems. This is not scientific trouble shooting, just first hand observation. Your milage may vary.
Satcomer said:
As I said in another thread, at my MUG (Macintosh User Group), many users with Office X+Tiger had MANY problems. Office 2004+Tiger, almost no problems. This is not scientific trouble shooting, just first hand observation. Your milage may vary.

Thanks Satcomer!

that is what i was afraid of....

is Appleworks able to open Word docs?

i thought that i heard that a while back....