Tiger and Office 04

yanges said:
Thanks Satcomer!

that is what i was afraid of....

is Appleworks able to open Word docs?

i thought that i heard that a while back....

i tried appleworks and hated it. it messes around with word documents (especially if they are written in hungarian :( ), and doesn't have nearly as many features as MSWord.
I am currently using Office 2004, so I cannot comment on Office for X. I have Office 2004 and OS 10.4 on two machines currently, a Power G4 DP 1.42, and an iMac G5.
I have encountered no problems with either machine after ten days of use. Overall, Office seeems almost "snappy" under 10.4, especially PowerPoint. M$ Word used to occaisionally crash (ha, ha! :rolleyes:) with 10.3.8. I thasn't done this once with 10.4.

If you want to use Appleworks with Office documents, the only sure way to guarantee success is to use the Rich Text Format option. If you are using Appleworks, use that as a "save as" option. If you are in Word, the same thing.
Has anyone had this following problem. I have an Ibook 768mb of memory 1 ghz processor running Tiger...

I have Word 2004 open... I have about 25 pages of text for a novel I am working on.
All of a sudden sometimes I get the annoying ball and boom Word locks up.

Another time I had a message say Out of Memory please save.
I tried to save and it would not let me save. I checked Activity Monitor and it was saying I have more than enough memory... Another words I should not have been locking up. I believe the problem is M$ related anyone else have a similar experience?
Sirtovin said:
Has anyone had this following problem. I have an Ibook 768mb of memory 1 ghz processor running Tiger...

I have Word 2004 open... I have about 25 pages of text for a novel I am working on.
All of a sudden sometimes I get the annoying ball and boom Word locks up.

Another time I had a message say Out of Memory please save.
I tried to save and it would not let me save. I checked Activity Monitor and it was saying I have more than enough memory... Another words I should not have been locking up. I believe the problem is M$ related anyone else have a similar experience?

Maybe it has to due with that stupid Auto Save. Check you Word Preferences and turn off Auto Save. This may help.
Satcomer said:
Maybe it has to due with that stupid Auto Save. Check you Word Preferences and turn off Auto Save. This may help.

The auto-save feature is set for 10 mins apart...

I don't believe its that unless for some reason Office 2004, is not optimizing the memory from Tiger. I am thinking its M$ related because when I closed Word orignally and waited 10 seconds to relaunch it worked fine again the save command... I am thinking there is a memory leak... of some sort.
I have had that same problem with Word, even before the Tiger upgrade, and this is on a machine which appears to be identical to yours. The problem has happened only with Word, and none of the other Office programs. I do a file save every time I complete a page to avoid losing anything.

I am switching to Nissus Writer myself.

Edit: Actually I have also had that same problem with Word on my DP 1.42 PowerMac, with 2 g of memory.
I havent run into any problems thus far with Tiger and Orifice '04. I use it primarily for school work (word for notes and papers, powerpoint for lecture slides, etc). I havent used Entourage yet though, didnt find it very intuitive in the first iteration (quite bothersome actually). Everything else is good though. They were right when they said it actually ran better on a Mac than it did on a PC. Hah!
to comment on the "out of memory" thing, that did happen to me when i installed office right after clean installing tiger. Though I didnt restart after the install, so i think that it had a bit of memory leak due to the install. Restart fixed it, and havent had a problem since with it.
So everyone is slowly in agreement this could be a memory leak from the M$ side when it comes to Office 2004 Word on Tiger?

Also anyone know of any good FREEWear programs for OS X... that can be an immediate possible quick fix thanks.
Sirtovin said:
Has anyone had this following problem. I have an Ibook 768mb of memory 1 ghz processor running Tiger...

I have Word 2004 open... I have about 25 pages of text for a novel I am working on.
All of a sudden sometimes I get the annoying ball and boom Word locks up.


I myself seem to be encountering the beach ball of doom more frequently in Entourage since I upgraded. Plus occasional delays in simply typing an email that is very annoying.

I will apply the 11.1.1 update from MS and see what happens.
Upgraded to Tiger on 12 and 17 laptops using Office 2004 Powerpoint and suddenly Ppt response slowed down when opening, switching visualization modes. What took a few moments to do in lecture now takes 3 or 4 minutes in same lecture after switch to Tiger. Seems like it takes more time to "draw" all images in presentations. Medical images, ppt presentations are big 30 to 60 MB. Any ideas to fix. Back to Panther? Important lectures next month. Scared.
I applied the 11.1.1 update from MS and it didn't help at all. I had both IMAP and exchange accounts so I disabled the exchange on and it seems quite better now.

Sounds like the Mac Business Unit at Microsoft has some work to do...
Running on Tiger PowerBook G4:

Office 2004
MSN Messenger
Remote Desktop Connection

Everything works at least as well as it would on Windows.