Tiger first impressions

Well, got my Tiger Saturday, and I think the Fur Of The Tiger is quite smooth and elegant, the Tiger hasn't come to yell at me or kill me. It's quite tame...

I'm really impressed with it. I like Spotlight, Automator, the Smart Folders, the new Burn Folders, everything is really nicely done. Also it looks faster to me. All in one I'm very satisfied with Tiger.
yanges said:
ah, i understand now Fryke!

i did not realize that what you were saying about the search by filename being gone with Tiger....that would be nice to have for searches like that without all the extraneous stuff you get in the Spotlight search...

maybe enough feedback to Apple will bring that back....

I'm betting they will. I think all the focus was on searching in a new way for things people don't remember and/or content of a file and it works great for that, but of course people don't forget everthing!
Sure. They'll have to fix the Apple-"f" search window in Finder, anyway. So why not make that window's default search a file-name search...
drunkmac said:
I love it. Fast, sleek, love Dashboard and Spotlight, Safari is actually usable now, and Automator is great. I love it. So worth it.

hey drunkmac

are you running 10.4 on your G3?

how does it do on that machine?
I dont think I'll even have a use for most of the new features, like automator or smart folders. In fact, I dont even know what most new features do except for Dashboard.
Scottfab said:
I dont think I'll even have a use for most of the new features, like automator or smart folders. In fact, I dont even know what most new features do except for Dashboard.

hey, well at you have the cutting edge of technology OS to work with :D
fryke said:
Well, I know that I can still find them. I just criticize how Apple removed a simple option to search my computer by filename. Finding by content is nice, funny, great - whatever you want. No reason to take away find-by-name as the default or even a secondary option.

maybe Apple could add a contextual menu to Spotlight with a selection of:

1] list filenames first
2] list applications first
3] list by extension first

that might help...

i currently use LaunchBar to load most apps as i do not like to clutter up the dock so showing apps first would work well for me most of the time...
it seems to me that all the greatest search tools in the world (google, msn etc) have search options - a way of refining the search in a straightforward way before searching. apple, i think have missed the mark with spotlight. there's not enough options (any options, in fact in the seach box?)and you are left to just trust the intelligence, which when it fails you are stuck, like fyke said, looking for script.pl. which could be anywhere. seriously have you looked in the library folders? this is going to make support a lot harder when it used to be "search for com.apple.<insert>.plist and delete it...."

also when you hit show all, it starts the search again. why? i mean seriously why??
so stupid, and then you have to start making smart playlist menu things which is kind of ... i don't know... clumsy?
The solution, I think, would be very, very simple. They would have to turn the spyglass icon in the searchfield into a menu _again_ - you know, like it was in Panther. That way, you could choose between Spotlight and simple name-based searching. And maybe even add your own (or Apple's) definitions for the search. Alas, I think Apple wants to show us Spotlight and wants us to use it until we know it inside out before they'll give us normal search back. In 10.5. In 1.5 years. Buäch! ;)

(Will I continue to whine about 'normal search' until it's back again? You betcha...)
Ha! Found what I've been going on about. And now I'm really getting angry at Spotlight... *WARGH!* Okay. Look at what happens...

I have a folder on my desktop called "client A" (client's name removed...). Inside of this folder, I have a file called "20min_spiderspecial_20040629.indd". It's an InDesign file first created on 2004-06-29 about the movie Spider-Man II for a publication named "20 Minuten". I was searching for that file. I _knew_ there would be "spider" in its name. Also: Spotlight doesn't have an .indd plugin yet, so that file's contents aren't indexed, of course. Yet: It _should_ find the file by name, right? Right? It doesn't. Shows me spiderman2.jpg. Shows me 20min_spiderspecial_20040629.pdf. But I want the bloody INDESIGN-FILE. Not the PDF. I want to get WORK done. Not to pat my back while looking at the work I've done back THEN. I want the LAYOUT, so I can get that special thingie I did for that project back then that I could use right now.

Spotlight, I have to say, does _not_ find *spider* in 20min_spiderspecial_20040629.indd. And I hate it for that. And no, I _don't_ want to hear about using underscores in filenames and how Spotlight probably was somehow irritated by "_spider" instead of "spider". I want Apple to fix this. ASAP. Wow. I've ranted. Enough for today.
fryke said:
The solution, I think, would be very, very simple. They would have to turn the spyglass icon in the searchfield into a menu _again_ - you know, like it was in Panther. That way, you could choose between Spotlight and simple name-based searching. And maybe even add your own (or Apple's) definitions for the search. Alas, I think Apple wants to show us Spotlight and wants us to use it until we know it inside out before they'll give us normal search back. In 10.5. In 1.5 years. Buäch! ;)

(Will I continue to whine about 'normal search' until it's back again? You betcha...)

i have been using Jaguar, not Panther so i have not seen that...

can you open the finder window and do a find that way in Tiger?

sounds like you need to organize a feedback campaign to Apple to get some new options added in the next update to 10.4 :D
Yes. But on the other hand: I was too fast. Hate to admit it, but strike what I just said. It _did_ find the InDesign files by name. Put it to "others", since the system doesn't even know they're "documents". It's still ridiculous, but at least Spotlight's not as dumb as I just though a minute ago. *sigh* ... I'll have to scroll down to 'others' a LOT until there's a Spotlight-Plugin for InDesign files or until Apple fixes Spotlight to give me find-by-name back. :/

(I'm still angry, but now it's about 20% angry about myself and only 80% angry about Spotlight.)
I don't think you should be angry at yourself at all - you are a user with valid uses and needs for your Mac (God, that sounded like Dr. Phil). Seriously, Apple just can't rewrite the rules and assume the old system and search options didn't provide value for users. Again, I am betting you will see new Spotlight options in updates.

Funny, but I have yet to seach for a file by name (with Tiger). I have a somewhat anal filing system and I used FruitMenu with all my doc directories and sub directories so I can browse quite freely, but when you are looking for something where you don't know the name, or even type, man Spotlight is awesome.
fryke said:
Yes. But on the other hand: I was too fast. Hate to admit it, but strike what I just said. It _did_ find the InDesign files by name. Put it to "others", since the system doesn't even know they're "documents". It's still ridiculous, but at least Spotlight's not as dumb as I just though a minute ago. *sigh* ... I'll have to scroll down to 'others' a LOT until there's a Spotlight-Plugin for InDesign files or until Apple fixes Spotlight to give me find-by-name back. :/

(I'm still angry, but now it's about 20% angry about myself and only 80% angry about Spotlight.)

hey Fryke

have you seen this:

Normally, you just type the phrase that you are looking for in Spotlight and it will find various different kinds of information including emails, contacts, documents, images, movies, music, PDFs, images, presentations and more. This gives you a great view of everything you are looking for on your system. If you know that you are looking for specific types of information, you can specify that in your search phrase by adding the text “kind:<type of information> after your search. For example, to find all of the PDF documents related to Yosemite, type “Yosemite kind:PDF” in to Spotlight.

as seen here:


that may work for your purposes... :rolleyes: