Tiger in Janruary!?

At least I will have an Apple Store I can go buy it at down the street. :) Instead of waiting on MicroCenter or CompUSA to get it in. :)
I really don't see it actually shipping anytime around January. It still has a lot of development to go and a lot of features haven't even been included in the builds of yet. Apple has said they're going to slow down their OS updates anyway, so they'll want to be sure they get the most out of this release.
January may be too soon, but it's likely that Apple would release 64 bit versions of it's bundled software coincide with Tiger's release. I would imagine 64 bit FCP, Motion, etc would all be available around the same time as Tiger so on Tiger's release date it isn't overshadowed by questions on when the new 64 bit software will arrive.
There's been a misunderstanding. Apple has extended Panther&iLife'04 promo to January'05. There'll be iLife'05, probably. Tiger has not yet even been tested externally - apart from the WWDC build.
It would be nice if Tiger was released in January, but I'm not too bothered. It would be better if they didn't rush the release and took the time to iron out all the bugs.
Giaguara -

Though my not a fan of the series, not having seen anyway, if you are going to post a statement like that, could you finish it off and write it in Yoda-speak please? :) That'd be a way to start the day!

With that being said, I agree with you and Fryke. No Tiger in January, besides maybe a new update being shown off for the public. iLife '04 will become iLife '05 with increased performance, more tuned for G5, since now iMac has gone G5. I'd like to see them do some great things with GarageBand to increase its global appeal. I love the app, but it could be more flexible and zippier on a wider range of machines. Its great on a dual 1.8GHz, but it could be a little better on my 1.25GHz PowerBook.

Apple has a great product out right now in Panther, which is great for home, educational, business, and enterprise settings, so they really shouldn't sweat keeping their OS push going. There's enough in Panther that average consumers don't know about yet to keep it fresh. Tiger will be the icing on the cake. It will be many people's first chance to see how easy it is to migrate to a new Mac OS. If Apple really nails the feature set and the migration/upgrade abilities of Tiger, they'll win over more friends as well in the enterprise.
Although Apple sounds like they are prepping to announce a shipping date for Tiger at MWSF05, I seriously doubt that they would unleash the software then and there. OS releases require preparation from end users to migrate their systems. Also, ISV (independent software vendors) need an actual announced date ahead of time to prepare for any issues that might exist between the new OS and their software.

March sounds like a logical date. I wouldn't be surprised to see that announced.
But wouldnt iLife'05 with iphoto and imovie etc be wise to draw power from tigers core graphics and therefore have to wait for tigers arrival before released? Kind of like "look what you can do with the new effects you just gotta need 'em, but you will also have to dig dip in you wallet and buy tiger from us to get all the glory".

That is what i would do if i where apple (but then again; there are a lot of stuff that apple does not do but that i would do if i were them. like giving all ipodowners a tiny discount at apple the apple store and start giving away those white apple-stickers again.)
It's not like Giaguara had much to add to the conversation here anyway. Knowing that Tiger is planned to ship 1q2005 (or 1h, or whatever it was) means it will ship sometime in "January or later" =)
Giaguara - I think you misunderstood me. I didn't mean you had to say more about Tiger, it was just the first time I read your comment, I did very quickly, the words didn't quite get read in the right order and it sounded like Yoda, from Star Wars. :)

Ripcord - This is true. I mean, we know 1H 2005, so January is included, I just don't see that happening.

So, its pretty much October right now and the majority of ADC and WWDC attendees have only seen one version of Tiger. I know I'd be pretty dissapointed if we were on a January launch date and the rest of development was rushed through the next three months. I know a lot can be accomplished during that time, but developers need that time to update their code, find errors in Apple's and make sure that everyone is ready. :)
I am keen to purchase my next Mac (20'' G5 Imac) But do i wait for Tiger to come pre-installed? anyone have any updates on a possible launch date? also will ALL new Macs ship with Tiger installed?

Your Thoughts please. :)
Will_Richo said:
I am keen to purchase my next Mac (20'' G5 Imac) But do i wait for Tiger to come pre-installed? anyone have any updates on a possible launch date? also will ALL new Macs ship with Tiger installed?

Your Thoughts please. :)

Well, if you wait until a Tiger release date has been announced to order your Mac it would ship with Panther pre-installed, but you should be eligible for a free upgrade to Tiger.

I would at least wait until after MWSF…