Tiger instability


Lately my system gets more and more unstable with applications quitting suddenly, kernel panics, Finder hanging, etc. By now I have to reboot (with the power switch!!) several times per day!
Any idea what's happening? I did get Virusbarrier and did not find a virus. I've got a dual 800 MHz G4 with 1.5 Gb RAM and an Ultra Tek133P/160 Gb hard drive, OS X 10.4.6. My problems have gradually worsened - I'm baffled!
Most virus checking programs on OPS X are notoriously known for making OS X act up. To test this turn of automatic virus scan/checking for a day or two. See if that is the problem. I would take a bet it is the problem.
Good suggestion...
After I posted my cry for help I did another check with Disk Utility and with Disk Warrior and both programs reported extensive, non-repairable damage to the directory. So it looks like a disk reformat is in my future...
By the way, I bought the viruschecker after I had experienced my problems for awhile. But it's a good idea to turn it off to see if there's a difference.
i wanted to add, check your ram because my 512mb(powerbook) failed today brought all kinds of wierd behaviour with it.
If your disk has reported errors, then I'd get straight to formatting. If it continues to act up on a fresh installation, take techie's advice and check your RAM.