Tiger is GO!!!!!!!

When will you upgrade to Tiger?

  • Right away or even already ordered: 10.4.0 for me!

  • I'll wait until there's the first update: 10.4.1 for me!

  • I'll wait until Mac support sites like this one say it's good to go: 10.4.x for me!

  • Panther's good enough, so I'll skip Tiger and upgrade to 10.5.

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(I've seen that a new car, really don't remember which, make some cool air from the air conditioner to flow in the dash locker... maybe it could be a better solution...)
So say Apple man...
"• aged 18 or over
• a student with a valid student card or a teacher, lecturer, tutor or other supervisor of students at a UK education establishment"
But, while I fulfill both of these critera, when I got my iPod through my girlfriend's account, they never checked me.
I'm sure you could find someone to do it for you if you're under 18 but i doubt the'll check, no-one I know has been checked in the past.

thanks vm for the tip although one of the conditions being to be a student or teacher It thus make it a form of educational discount for which I saddly can't apply.
Panther is still good enough for me. I will be on tiger when I get myself a new mac. Thinking of mac mini for my wife and a powerbook g5 for myself. :D
Anyway, for my tibook and my ibook panther is doing just fine.
No Tiger here. And probably never any Apple software again. I haven't invested the last month in turning my (original) 10.3.6 system in a good, fast and very stable system just to destroy all this work for a gamer OS like Tiger.

About 8 years ago Apple was the best choice I could find and I was happy for years there. But about a year ago it seems to me that Apple decided to just work for the gamers. All the last updates I just read stupid things like 'again 1% more OpenGL speed' 'Game xy better supported' and 'Better gui for z'. Hey, if I wan't a gamer OS I just get a WinXP and even save $50 compared to Tiger not to mention the $1000 I'll save getting a better gaming hardware.

In my opinion Apple should learn more about Unix. They should learn why they are still there (no, it wasn't the gamer that helped you survive the last 10 years). And I think it's time that someno sue Apple for their integration of (for example) the webkit.Why isn't Microsoft not allowed to built their IE into the system but Apple is allowed to build the webkit in the system. Hey, the webkit isn't only Safari (like IE under Win). I hate this stupid webkit but you can't trash it as this will brake 20+ app's that even never should need this.

Just tell me why iDVD, iPhoto, BBEdit, Proteus or nearly ever RSS reader out there needs these webkit? I mean just creating a socket and fetch a RSS feed is written in C/C++ in 10 minutes and it's a lot faster than using the webkit.

I know I can't change anything there and Apple will go one as planned but without me. I'm just sitting here with my own kernel and try to delete all this stuff Apple integrated. And the next system here probably would be Aurox or maybe MorphOS.
I don't get your rant about Tiger or Webkit. I find it quite hard to see how you come to the conclusion that Tiger is a gamer's OS. Most of the features that are touted have very little to games. Spotlight, Dashboard, etc. all have nothing to do with games, but making the normal user's experience better. The GUI and OpenGL speed increases don't just benefit games. There are loads of scientific visualization tools that use OpenGL that are sure to benefit from a more optimized set of drivers. Other media apps will probably benefit too.

I honestly fail to see you complaints about webkit. The fact that many 3rd party programs use Webkit even if _you_ think it's unnecessary shows just how necessary it is. RSS programs need webkit as it provides all sorts of functions to deal with HTML/XML and HTTP. Why shouldn't they use something that is guaranteed to be on the OS? Reduces development times, eases deployment, etc.

That's like complaining that you can't delete libc on a Unix system because the apps will break. What is your gripe with webkit?
Zammy-Sam said:
...Thinking of mac mini for my wife and a powerbook g5 for myself.

Yeah, I was thinking about getting one of those, too, but I was extremely put off by the fact that they don't exist yet.
has anyone wanting a pBook G5 seen the size of the heatsinks in a powermac g5? they are 4"x4"x3". it kinda gets less portable after that - no real reason for this thread-bending post other than i had the case open on mine and i was trying to "see" the actual chips through the ***G5*** big shouty cover, then i realised that the whole thing is a massive (the biggest i've ever seen) heat sink.... it must need some serious cooling....
Viro said:
That's like complaining that you can't delete libc on a Unix system because the apps will break. What is your gripe with webkit?
No, that's a big difference as libc is open source and I can replace it, change the source code or whatever I want. I can't just disable or edit some webkit functions. And as there are some security issues with the webkit all apps that uses it are vulnerable and I can't change this without breaking allthese apps. And waiting until Apple closes these holes is like hoping that Microsoft gets Windows fixed.

Just take the (very easy to fix) mRouter vulnerability. This one is a really huge hole with exploits available for download. And I KNOW that this already got exploited in some schools to modify/look at files as 'root'. If Apple would provide the sources everyone can fix this but so the only thing you can do is remove the suid flag or remove mRouter completly. And to make it even better I 've got a working trojan on my testsystem that exploit this (for over 2 month unfixed) and automatlically send itself to every mail address it can find in any users addressbook.

So If anyone tell you there aren't any viruses/trojans for OS X they're just lying. They are just not (known) out in the wild as they're created to test and fix these things locally.

I can understand that Tiger has priority for Apple developers but they should know that OS X can just survive if it's a stable and secure OS because this is the only real reason why many 'pros' use it. If it's unsecure I can easily switch to Windows.

I don't wan't to have (in my eyes needless) features like dashboard (I can use Konfab if I wish to have this) or Spotlight. I know what I have written and I can use locate and grep (not the old versions Apple supply) to search. The only reason why I use OS X is the availability of good apps in combination with stability and safety. And because I can clearly see that Apple don't care about the last one (at least not more than MS does) I stick with my in various ways enhanced darwin kernel/os.

My hope is that Apple make the OS more open and modular so that everyone can choose what he want to have. If I can easily remove (completely) Spotlight, Dashboard, Webkit and all the apps like Safari, Mail, iChat, iPhoto.. I maybe install 10.5 if it's more open source than 10.3 is.