Tiger Preview - no new bar?


I had Tiger two days ago, heres my thoughts........ everything is what I expected it to be, RSS feeds are cool, quicktime 6.6 cool, ichat av 3.0, dashboard is, well dashboard (kind of dumb you cant have the widgets stay on screen), etc. Spotlight is very nice, and its also very fast. I have one grip however and it was one of the things I was excited to see. If you'd seen in the demos for spotlight and dashboard on apples site and in the keynote, the menu bar is different. Its a sheen of light metal with blue around a white apple and then spotlight. This is not in the preview, it is the same bar and theres light blue in the menus. Spotlight is at the end of the bar however, and when you click it it becomes graphite (which im assuming the apple does). If jobs had it running at the keynote why didn't they include it in the preview? Anyone know why/figured out how to get the new menu bar?
So, what are the 150 changes/additions...we've seen about 15 or so. Any new stuff in the apps folder? Is it actually 64bit compiled, are you running on a g5?...seem snappier??
everything seems to be updated (address book, mail, font book,etc) have spotlight integrated into them. safari 2.0 (with the RSS) seems a little bit faster, but it all looks the same. quicktime 6.6 is impressive, i love the H.256 technology. Pipeline (insnt that automater) i just found in the applescripts folder. I'll have to try that out later. the finder is updated with the spotlight technology as well. I haven't installed xcode yet so I havent used core image and core video, but I do have them. Everything looks exactly how the demoed it at the keynote, except the menu bar. system preferences is how they demoed it with the spotlight integrated. its running fine right now, I tried installing shapeshifter to see if themes would work and it totally messed up the whole system, my internet wouldnt connect no matter what i did afterwards so I had to reinstall. Do not attempt at using it lol. msn messenger runs fine. everything is running fine. they must be coming up with something else if this isn't coming out til 2005
What about Sync Sertvices?
Is it a replacement, or Supplement for iSync? Will a Third Party Developer be able to make an iSync Conduit for a PocketPC/Palm/3rd Party Disk Hosting service (like .Mac)?
I know Sync Services offers Third Party Developers the ability to Create Conduits for their Programs (at the Server End), but What About the Client End?
Just curious but how did is uncle who works for IBM get a copy of tiger? isint ibm windows usually?
they always have previewed more advanced builds at WWDC than they hand out.

i remember last year they were demoing filevault at WWDC but the preview CDs didnt have filevault enabled.

it was actually many many builds later before filevault actually functioned.
IBM does build OS X software, including their very platform-oriented C compiler. It's likely that there have been quite a few people from IBM at the ADC, and quite a few people that are working with Tiger.
information removed to stop furthur discussion and focus on what this topics really about.

anyway, kendall - I see, I wish that I had the most recent build, but oh well! whenever apple releases a newer build will it be in software update or do they seed it to ADC members?
GroundZeroX said:
I will have my copy in a day or two. Is it stable enough to run day to day activities?

like I said, dont use shapeshifter. It seems okay, I've had it lock up when trying to log out once, and I got the beach ball whenever I first opened system preferences, but nothing bad has happened. I do however miss my snow.e 2 icons, hopefully candybar will be getting an update soon (it probably wont for the beta however).
hopefully he'll get me a good job someday
Ah america, where everyone aims to be given a job by their family.

I mean. Who cares if that guy who studied for four years actually KNOWS how to do the job, YOU know the boss.
jonmichael23 said:
hes real name is leon kmiec (middle name gerold and he hates leon thus jerry) . the last time I saw him ( a good three, four years ago) he had a thinkpad with him all the time. when he found out I had an iMac he started emailing me and talking to me more then he ever has, hopefully he'll get me a good job someday.

anyway, kendall - I see, I wish that I had the most recent build, but oh well! whenever apple releases a newer build will it be in software update or would they be informing my uncle somehow or how do they do it?

I wonder if Uncle Jerry knows you put his name on the internet when he's leaking early builds to you?? Apple likely won't think much of that....
i dont think uncle jerry would get into any trouble because the preview was distributed to everyone at wwdc. i believe the last wwdc when panther was distributed, apple encouraged sharing it with friends. i might be completely wrong, it very well could have been some other software.

in anycase, if they are going to hand out 1000s of previews, what do they expect?

as for getting more advanced builds from your uncle, its probably best not to share that info. im sure anything seeded after this is not intended for public viewing.

i just wish the wwdc preview worked on my powerbook. apparently its incompatible with most powerbooks. the kernel on the DVD panics when trying to boot into the installer because it doesnt recognize the powerbook.

it gives an error like, "powerbook 3,5 unknown."

there is a workaround but it requires an external HD. ive heard many people running it say that its basically panther with launchbar and dashboard included. despite the controversy (that i partially started) im still excited about this release. its supposidly pretty stable, other than not working with some 3rd party apps.
filevault did work last year from the day of the keynote !!!

i did install the developers preview and installed in and encrypted my 20 GB home folder .... it worked (not perfect) but was included !!!
soulseek said:
filevault did work last year from the day of the keynote !!!

i did install the developers preview and installed in and encrypted my 20 GB home folder .... it worked (not perfect) but was included !!!

no it didnt, it was disabled in the wwdc preview. i dont even think their was an icon for it. later builds had the icon but disabled features. you are INCORRECT.
like kendall said, apple probably wants it to spread to encourage excitement for tiger. I actually am back using panther, the tiger preview was too little/too buggy for me to want to use it full time. I did like what was there though, especially since we have seen the advancements from this build to what steve was using. You would think Apple would have tested it out and made sure it worked on powerbooks though :confused: . and about future builds, I figured apple would let everyone with tiger update to newer builds (do ADC members at least get to?) but then I guess people could just keep the latest build available since it'd probably be just as good as the final version. I'm happy I had the chance to preview what Tiger had to offer, and am hoping apple can work hard in the coming months to come up with more. what I would like to see

1. the new menu bar and other windows updated so they don't look like a sub-par theme.

2. automaters interface and icon looks a lot nicer then pipeline's already, so work on that some more.

3. a new version of iTunes that let you have skins! 5.0 please.......

4. a much better preview, the one in tiger is pretty bad you can only export to jpeg in it.

5. more stable (we all know it will be however so no real worries)

6. more widgets , tons of widgets, thousands of widgets! all with the cool new animations from core image and core video on all of them.......and the option to keep ones you want on screen all the time.

7. spotlight - in the preview it is fast and works pretty good, but I'd still like it to be updated (and the option to take it off the menu bar if wanted!)

8.a new finder icon that i like, maybe come up with something for apps besides brushed metal........

9. 4-way and 11-way (including yourself that is) conferencing with windows AIM people.

10. i also wish apple would focus on making everything that works fine in panther work the exact same way in tiger, instead of making people update their apps instantly, and would also allow for future versions of apps to still work in panther instead of being 10.4.x only. (i think apple should do this for two OS'es all the time, so 10.5 and 10.4 apps should work the same, 10.6 and 10.5, etc.)

11. I want expose to be re-defined like ichat was. I dont think adding widgets is going to be enough for me.

12. I would like to see some other groundbreaking thing come out of tiger and suprise everyone. I still can't think of what it'd be though. oh and since theming for tiger currently looks a lot harder then it was for panther and jaguar, maybe include something with the new xcode that eased developers process. (I know this is 0% likely to happen, but hey there are widgets in the new release).

13. and last but not least, I think this is an important key to tiger being succesful. include the new iapps from ilife 04. I don't want to spend 130 dollars, and have to then pay 50 more just for apps that should be included with the OS. I think apple does this though, doesn't every new OS X update include the newest versions of the iapps?

if apple did all that......it will be a great upgrade just like panther was, probably even a lot better. core image core video and the new quicktime and ichat all look very nice already. just improve and innovate apple and I will love it.
more widgets , tons of widgets, thousands of widgets! all with the cool new animations from core image and core video on all of them.......and the option to keep ones you want on screen all the time.
As we now know, the widgets appear to be nothing but web-pages (with some extra's). I don't think it would be difficult to hack them to run outside of the Dashboard. First of all, what happens if you load them in Safari? Does it simply display them inside the browser window? What happens if you try to run the JavaScript with the Java AppletRunner? Can we build a simple app to run them on the Desktop? If they just need WebKit to run them, I think it will be relatively easy ... morover, what can Widgets do that we can't already do in AppleScript (I mean functionally, not aesthetically)?
"13.[...] include the new iapps from ilife 04. [---] I think apple does this though, doesn't every new OS X update include the newest versions of the iapps?"

nopp. only when you buy a computer. and i think there will be new iLife (iLife 05) that uses core graphics to some degree (iPhoto effects). and they wont ship the new iLife together with tiger when they know that people will buy it anyway. and i dont think they would ship the old iLife. the best thing you can do as a consumer is buy a new computer when both iLife and tiger is out (and pull 200$ in your head from the pricetag). :-D