time capsule ... help?


Hi all,

i got time capsule as a gift from a friend.. am trying to backup my old Macbook .. am kinda scared from it, it feels like a weird machine for me ... i hope you bare with me the question are:

1- Can i backup my Macbook only connecting the Ethernet port from TC to my Macbook, or i need to connect to my DSL and Printer as it says in the user guide? Why?

2- Do TC has to be always connected online with DSL?

3- can i treat it as a normal hard desk? or it has to be base station?

4- What is the safest way to turn off my Time Capsule?

5- is it going to backup "everything" and will be able to use the data and retrieve it to another Macbook? what about single license software is it going to work on another Mac?

i think am done for now.. i will come back if i have more

1. Your Time Capsule has 2 major features - internet router (both wired w/4 port ethernet hub, and wireless with up to 50 simultaneous wireless connections available), and built-in storage (the hard drive) which is accessible both wired, and through your wireless network. It also has a USB port which can be used for a variety of hardware, not just printers. You can attach another external USB hard drive to that port, for example.
You would normally be connected through an external network of some kind - that's where you get your internet...
Why would you NOT connect your DSL to the Time Capsule? It's a very capable internet router
2 - No, doesn't _need_ to be connected to your DSL to use it for other uses - but, again, why wouldn't you connect your DSL there?
3 - It's not a normal hard disk - it's closer to NAS storage. The base station is part of the hardware, but you might ignore it, I suppose.
4 - no need to turn off the Time Capsule - it's designed to be powered on 24/7
If you need to unplug the power from that, you might want to check that copying, or Time Machine backups are not in progress.
5 - Time Capsule backs up everything on your hard drive, and backups up automatically after the initial backup is complete.

Lots of Time Machine info here - http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1427
including information about using your time machine backup on another Mac, if you need to.
Thank you very much DeltaMac on your time and efforts on replying on my post ... the reason why i don't want it to be connected to DSL cuz its not secure, hackers can attach my hard drive isn't it?

Unplugging the power .. well i save money and at least be part of the "go green" community ;)

once again thank you ..