Time Machine


Dear All,

This is my first time so please bear with me.

Have a new Macbook pro with Office installed.

When I press timemachine button a message comes up with 'error code -43',

This according to the 'help' page could be one of 3 issues. The only thing I have done which may affect this is I have added some documents from other PCs but have checked through and deleted any 'illegal' characters and am still getting the error message.

Any ideas?

Which one is the "timemachine button"? Do you mean the Dock icon which invokes the retrieval system? Or the system preferences icon? Or the menubar icon?
No, it doesn't. To initiate a backup, you need an external harddrive. Format it as Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) and Mac OS X will ask you whether you want to use it for TimeMachine. The dock icon is only for accessing the backup files.
Thanks for that Fryke,

Makes sense now, so I assume the error is because nothing is connected and I just connect the hard drive and it should explain itself so to speak.


When you connect the external hard drive, your Mac will ask you if you want to use the hard drive for Time Machine backups -- at which point, obviously, "Yes" would be a good answer for the Mac.

I recommend formatting the external drive as Mac OS Extended (Journaled) beforehand, though. You can do this via Disk Utility, located in /Applications/Utilities.