Time Out Problems With The Following Programs


Access Problems With The Following Programs:
I-Chat Version 4.0.5, AOL Desktop Version 1.5b6 (544) , AOL For Mac OS X Version 10.3.7
The Connection could not be completed because it timed out. Try Again

and Vuze (formerly Azerus)
Could not connect to the tracker. Connection Timed Out

I have contacted my ISP Time Warner Road Runner and things are working fine on there end. I also have access to the internet. However when using the programs listed above.

Any Help Would be appreciated.

Thank you
Can anyone help me with this issue. I'm at a lost, I have even went thru the guide for port forwarding @ portforwarding.com. I still can not access tracker with Azureus (Vuze), Bittorrent, AOL Desktop, AOL X Software and IChat (All I can do send text, I cannot received files or send files through this program).

Thank you
What does your network setup look like? Cable modem directly to the computer via ethernet? Cable modem connected to router, computer connected to router?
Computer Hard Wired to a Motorola Cable Modem Gateway SBG1000 via ethernet cable, MAC OS X.5.5> System Preferences > Security > Firewall > Allow all incoming connections. Thank you for replying.