Timemachine Auto Backup Not Working On El Capitan ?


Hi all....

I recently updated to El Capitan.. and up to that moment my Timemachine as something that just worked and I didn't even think about it. I have a Drobo S system... the Drobo Dashboard Control Panel software all works fine under El Capitan... and all reports state that my Timemachine drive is healthy and operating perfect;y.... but I have noticed that the Timemachine feature just doesn't backup automatically at hourly intervals anymore... I'm now manually doing this when I remember to do so... but when I do... all backs up fine. Has anyone had any similar experience after updating to El Capitan.. and did you find any workaround..?

Kind Regards,
Irish MacUser & Mac Addict...
Hi all....

I recently updated to El Capitan.. and up to that moment my Timemachine as something that just worked and I didn't even think about it. I have a Drobo S system... the Drobo Dashboard Control Panel software all works fine under El Capitan... and all reports state that my Timemachine drive is healthy and operating perfect;y.... but I have noticed that the Timemachine feature just doesn't backup automatically at hourly intervals anymore... I'm now manually doing this when I remember to do so... but when I do... all backs up fine. Has anyone had any similar experience after updating to El Capitan.. and did you find any workaround..?

Kind Regards,
Irish MacUser & Mac Addict...

i had the same issue and tech support could not seem to find the problem. As a last resortI used a software program to do cleanup and time machine started working properly. I then installed the El Capitan update and now time machine no longer does hourly updates. I tried the clean up procedure that I used before, but no good this time.It will work fine manually.
I did an SMC Reset yesterday and all went back to working fine.... but I shut down my machine last night and all day today again nothing.... no automatic updates... back to manual now again... soooo frrrustrating!!! :)
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I did an SMC Reset yesterday and all went back to working fine.... but I shit down my machine last night and all day today again nothing.... no automatic updates... back to manual now again... soooo frrrustrating!!! :)

You have to resort to using /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app's command tmutil to find a problem and maybe fix your problem, see some steps at the article Control Time Machine from the Command Line.

Also you can still use the commands from the blog post Configuring Time Machine to work from CIFS share. The commands have tmutil commands that still work in 10.11.x to "bless" and "take ownership".
I recently updated to El Capitan.. and up to that moment my Timemachine as something that just worked and I didn't even think about it. I have a Drobo S system... the Drobo Dashboard Control Panel software all works fine under El Capitan... and all reports state that my Timemachine drive is healthy and operating perfect;y....

but I have noticed that the Timemachine feature just doesn't backup automatically at hourly intervals anymore... I'm now manually doing this when I remember to do so... but when I do... all backs up fine. Has anyone had any similar experience after updating to El Capitan.. and did you find any workaround..?

Kind Regards,
Irish Mac User & Android Recovery...

Same issue here and I contacted the Apple support staff. He told me that It was a bug for EL. Need the engineer to fix it up. Just wait, lol
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This is roughly the same issue I have. I come home and plug in my laptop to the USB drive used for Time Machine. It starts up a backup but it never finishes. It slows down and says things like 12 hours to complete but even after 12 hours it still says 12 hours to complete.

This started with El Capitan. Curiously, just after the update, my Time Machine disk's file system became corrupted and so I've started on a fresh disk... except not really. I still would not really trust even the first backup. It is still trying to complete the second backup and its had five nights now.

But it looks like no one really has any suggestions. The links Satcomer pointed to don't really seem to explain how to diagnose issues (unless I completely missed it).