tired of this CRAP


Mac Ninja
Every folder in OS X has an invisible DS_Store file in it!!! It's retarded!! What is it????

Any time you access another hard drive, wether through a network, or a zip disk, or a floppy, or accessing a windows box, or burning a CD, or ANYTHING, all these stupid DS_Store files become visible and pisses everyone off. Everyone HATES them. The hatred towards DS_Store is heavy and is tangible in this room.

When will Apple do away with this limitation of OS X?

Also, they need a refresh button in the finder. If you download a file from FTP, for example, you get a "download in progress" icon. However, when the download is complete it should change to the file's normal icon (which it does). However you can't see the new icon. There's no automatic way. No. Never. Sorry. All you can do is drag the file to a new folder which force-refreshes it, then you can see the new icon. Even worse is unstuffing a file. The unstuffed file is placed in the same folder but is invisible because the finder did not refresh. Of course the terminal sees the file. There's no way to force refresh either because there's nothing to drag away. At least changing folder views should refresh, but no... the only real way is to either relaunch the finder, or click around a bunch of open apps until the finder chooses to refresh itself. No user control.

But even worse is DS_Store!!!!!! KILL DS_Store!!!!!!!!!! DS_Store is stupider than Windows 3.1 on a 386 DX with a 300 baud modem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ok... yea... that DS store thing is annoying...

and the icon not changing is rather annoying, too... sometimes I think "oh crap, download aborted!" because of that...

but... when I expand files, the new ones are usually there... on rare occasions when it doesn't show... a lot of other things are going wrong already... so I usually have to reboot.
I can't agree less, this sort of crap one would only expect in a beta version of OS X, and NOT in final one. As a matter of fact I dont see what is so difficult for Apple developers of OS X to get rid of this annoying nonsense. Maybe the DS_store, in the way it is implemented now, is so indispensable to the good operation of OS X. Somebody should explain it to us !!!
".DS_STORE" is the same as the "TheFindByContentFolder". Because of the "." it should be invisible. Everytime you open a folder the OS checks the folder and writes its content into ".DS_STORE". Just speeds up the system.

Cant aggree to you guys!:( :mad: :eek:
I'm not sure what the impact of removing the .DS_STORE files is but there is a better way to delete them.

Try this:

find . -name .DS_STORE -exec rm {} \;

That will start at the current directory and recursively remove all .DS_STORE files below it. To remove them all from your harddrive do a "cd /" before you run it.

As for hating something like this, I wouldn't bother getting mad. It's fairly normal for unix systems to have a lot of .foo files around the system. They are not normally visible and they've never bothered me.
If you want to remove the folders:

(as root or sudo...)

find / -name .DS_Store -exec rm -rf {} \;

However, there is probably a good reason for this folder being there...
Originally posted by Solaris
If you want to remove the folders:

(as root or sudo...)

find / -name .DS_Store -exec rm -rf {} \;

However, there is probably a good reason for this folder being there...

and if you want to make it halfway efficient

find / -name .DS_Store -print | xargs rm -rf

otherwise rm(1) gets fork(2)ed and execve(2)d every time .DS_Store is found
The ds_store file stores finder view information, so unless you don't like the finder remembering whether you're in icon view or list view or sorted by name or size or where you placed that icon in the folder, I suggest you leave ds_store alone.

if it may be bad to delete them... how could you just make the files invisible to the gui... not only pre-exisiting ones, but any new ones that get made.... then you only would have to see them in the terminal.

a pretty good workaround, i think.
This file, like rharder said, stores information about the view of the folder and other such preferences that you give to the folder, such as view options (if they are arranged by name, what things you want listed in list view) and background images to folders. They will always come back when you change the view again, so it's not going to really help to delete them.
Originally posted by Alexandert
".DS_STORE" is the same as the "TheFindByContentFolder". Because of the "." it should be invisible. Everytime you open a folder the OS checks the folder and writes its content into ".DS_STORE". Just speeds up the system.

Cant aggree to you guys!:( :mad: :eek:

Of course it's invisible in OS X. And sure, if it speeds up the system by being a file where information is constantly written to... that's great.

But the problem is burning a CD. Or accessing a network drive, even an OS 9 box. Or copying shit to a zip disk. This makes all the DS_Store files visible! (When any other non-os-x computer views it). This is the annoying part.

And I ain't screwing around with the terminal. I'll cut off my left nutsack before I start playing with rm -rf commands mixed with asterisks and forward slashes.

Apple just needs to: eliminate the DS_Store files (or any files that work this way), and find another way to accomplish the same thing, AND... add a refresh button to the finder. So you completely refresh folder contents when you click it. Just these two things would improve OS X by 1000 percent.

p.s. I'm not really this mad about DS_Store, I'm just putting a little humor into it.
Originally posted by ladavacm

and if you want to make it halfway efficient

find / -name .DS_Store -print | xargs rm -rf

otherwise rm(1) gets fork(2)ed and execve(2)d every time .DS_Store is found

Note, this is definitely the preferred way on most Unixen, but not Mac OS X. Why? Spaces...

For example,

$ find /Applications/Internet\ Explorer.app -name .DS_Store -print | xargs ls -l
ls: /Applications/Internet: No such file or directory
ls: /Applications/Internet: No such file or directory
ls: Explorer.app/.DS_Store: No such file or directory
ls: Explorer.app/Contents/.DS_Store: No such file or directory

So, unfortunately, the much-less-efficient -exec is safer.
Originally posted by blb

Note, this is definitely the preferred way on most Unixen, but not Mac OS X. Why? Spaces...

For example,

$ find /Applications/Internet\ Explorer.app -name .DS_Store -print | xargs ls -l
ls: /Applications/Internet: No such file or directory
ls: /Applications/Internet: No such file or directory
ls: Explorer.app/.DS_Store: No such file or directory
ls: Explorer.app/Contents/.DS_Store: No such file or directory

So, unfortunately, the much-less-efficient -exec is safer.

there is -print0 command to find, and -0 option to xargs to deal with spaces; spaces have been a problem on unixen as well (but nobody sane uses them, because they break all file globbing in shell scripts; old habits die slowly)

the correct efficient method would have been (the O-like character iz a zero)

$ find /Applications/Internet\ Explorer.app -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l

tested for working, thanks for the correction
Originally posted by solrac

And I ain't screwing around with the terminal. I'll cut off my left nutsack before I start playing with rm -rf commands mixed with asterisks and forward slashes.

You have more than one nutsack? Strange.
I absolutely, positively refuse to accept a REFRESH button in a Mac OS!

I despise the REFRESH command in Windows !

Mac OS does not need a refresh command, it just needs to update automatically like it always has. That's what separates Apples from Wintels - attention to detail.

I've noticed that these finer points of detail have been fixed, smoothed over, and updated little by little since OS 10.0 was released, and 'm sure they will return Mac OS's impeccably polite automatic refresh as soon as they can. But for good measure, you have to submit as Feedback to Apple.

Have a good one!
I agree that I hate those stupid files. They are very non-Mac-like and go against what was the genius of the original Mac, which was to hide everything that didn't need to be seen. I have to assume that this will be fixed and wasn't exactly a priority relative to the other improvement areas needed.