Mac Ninja
Every folder in OS X has an invisible DS_Store file in it!!! It's retarded!! What is it????
Any time you access another hard drive, wether through a network, or a zip disk, or a floppy, or accessing a windows box, or burning a CD, or ANYTHING, all these stupid DS_Store files become visible and pisses everyone off. Everyone HATES them. The hatred towards DS_Store is heavy and is tangible in this room.
When will Apple do away with this limitation of OS X?
Also, they need a refresh button in the finder. If you download a file from FTP, for example, you get a "download in progress" icon. However, when the download is complete it should change to the file's normal icon (which it does). However you can't see the new icon. There's no automatic way. No. Never. Sorry. All you can do is drag the file to a new folder which force-refreshes it, then you can see the new icon. Even worse is unstuffing a file. The unstuffed file is placed in the same folder but is invisible because the finder did not refresh. Of course the terminal sees the file. There's no way to force refresh either because there's nothing to drag away. At least changing folder views should refresh, but no... the only real way is to either relaunch the finder, or click around a bunch of open apps until the finder chooses to refresh itself. No user control.
But even worse is DS_Store!!!!!! KILL DS_Store!!!!!!!!!! DS_Store is stupider than Windows 3.1 on a 386 DX with a 300 baud modem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any time you access another hard drive, wether through a network, or a zip disk, or a floppy, or accessing a windows box, or burning a CD, or ANYTHING, all these stupid DS_Store files become visible and pisses everyone off. Everyone HATES them. The hatred towards DS_Store is heavy and is tangible in this room.
When will Apple do away with this limitation of OS X?
Also, they need a refresh button in the finder. If you download a file from FTP, for example, you get a "download in progress" icon. However, when the download is complete it should change to the file's normal icon (which it does). However you can't see the new icon. There's no automatic way. No. Never. Sorry. All you can do is drag the file to a new folder which force-refreshes it, then you can see the new icon. Even worse is unstuffing a file. The unstuffed file is placed in the same folder but is invisible because the finder did not refresh. Of course the terminal sees the file. There's no way to force refresh either because there's nothing to drag away. At least changing folder views should refresh, but no... the only real way is to either relaunch the finder, or click around a bunch of open apps until the finder chooses to refresh itself. No user control.
But even worse is DS_Store!!!!!! KILL DS_Store!!!!!!!!!! DS_Store is stupider than Windows 3.1 on a 386 DX with a 300 baud modem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!